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New posts in either

Scala.Either getOrElse method

scala either

Accumulating errors with EitherT

How to make Either into a functor in second type

haskell functor either

Pattern match on value of Either inside a for comprehension?

A way to generalize Haskell's Either type for arbitrarily many types?

Either, Options and for comprehensions

scala monads either

Scala.Either orElse method

scala either

Scala polymorphic function for filtering an input List of Either

How to map (Either String (a -> b)) to (Either String [(a -> b)])

haskell monads either

How to initialize an Either to Right and specify the type of Left?

scala either

How does EitherT work?

Reduce nestedness when using successive Either/Maybe

Pure error handling in Haskell with Either: how to fold with error possibility?

Reducing Iterable[Either[A,B]] to Either[A, Iterable[B]]

Chaining method calls with Either

How to convert functions raising exceptions to functions returning Either?

Using 'Either' in Haskell

haskell monads either

Applicative Functors and Left from Either

Can I ask an Either whether it is Left (or Right)?

haskell either

How to transform Either[Future[A], Future[B]] to Future[Either[A, B]]