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New posts in scala-option

How to efficiently check that two Options is defined?

scala scala-option

Scala: using None for other purposes than empty Option

Reading multiple variables from an object wrapped in Option[]

scala scala-option

Filtering on Scala Option[Set]

Scala Option's collect method doesn't like my PartialFunction

Convert the value in an Option to another type

scala scala-option

Scala Tuple Option

scala tuples scala-option

Scala - Option.getOrElse() "type erasure"?

Option.fold - why is its second argument not a binary operator?

scala fold scala-option

Scala: Can I convert an Option to varargs?

How to turn `Either[Error, Option[Either[Error, Account]]]` to `Either[Error, Option[Account]]` with typelevel cats?

Scala: selecting function returning Option versus PartialFunction

Processing optional xml attributes in Scala

Scala: Does Option[Boolean] makes sense?

Avoiding deeply nested Option cascades in Scala

Scala: How can I explicitly compare two Options?

Convert List of 1 element to Option

How can I (best) convert an Option into a Try?

scala scala-option

How to convert X => Option[R] to PartialFunction[X,R]

Check if a string is blank or doesn't exist in Scala