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JPA/eclipselink errors when migrating from java 8 to java 11

EclipseLink generates cartesian plan instead of (inner) joins in SQL. Why?

TimeZone Error with EclipseLink and Oracle DB

Multi tenancy with spring data jpa and eclipselink

JPA 2.0 CriteriaQuery with predicate on type being a class or any subclass of

Disable Cascade in ManyToOne relationship JPA when saving

Get all records from table - EclipseLink

Automatic Jax-RS registration in Weblogic 12.2.1 when adding eclipselink artifact

JPA: how to make a field auto increment

JPA 2 (EclipseLink) Trying to use UUID as primary key EntityManager.find() always throws exception (Database is PostgreSQL)

JPA illegalStateException - CascadeType issues

java jpa entity eclipselink

Can an @Embeddable class be private?

Is it necessary to make a rollback on a transaction in the catch-block?

Can I get MOXy to convert a string to a boolean when generating json

java json jaxb eclipselink moxy

Is there a way to suppress FindBugs from generating warnings on code generated by static weaving?

Global Java Type Adapters in MOXy

java json jaxb eclipselink moxy

why Eclipse 4.7.2 no delta pack for download

NPE Thrown Marshalling Entity in JAX-RS

jpa jaxb eclipselink jax-rs moxy

eclipselink PersistenceUnitLoadingEception in executable JAR

HikariPool-1 - jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName