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Java EE 6 JPA 2 ManyToOne Relation Creates Invalid Foreign Key

Derby Auto-Increment and Eclipselink UnitOfWork

EclipseLink: Problems with cascade delete doing update instead

java jpa eclipselink cascade

Is it possible to have discriminator column on secondary table in jpa

java jpa-2.0 eclipselink

How to save and retrieve these timestamps with the specified timezone using Joda Time, JPA, EclipseLink and Postgres

In a JPA entity hierarchy using InheritanceType.JOINED, all relationships with subclasses results in foreign key constraints on the superclass table

How to set isolation level in @Transactional "READ_UNCOMMITTED". I am using EclipseLink 2.5.1-RC1

EclipseLink - Invalid query key [latestVersionFlag] in expression

java eclipselink

JPA call method on lazy (not loaded) collection when detached not working as expected in Eclipselink

eclipselink AdditionalCriteria ignored in child class

java jpa eclipselink

How to deal with 'cached' instance in @ViewScoped page?

java jpa caching eclipselink

Is there a Maven build for eclipselink that makes the OSGi bundles run in Felix and others?

maven-2 osgi eclipselink

JPA (Hibernate, EclipseLink) mapping: why doesn't this code work (chain of 2 relationships using JPA 2.0, @EmbeddedId composite PK-FK)?

Jpa entities over a JAX WS services without infinite loop

Is there a possibility to hide the "@type" entry when marshalling subclasses to JSON using EclipseLink MOXy (JAXB)?

@XmlDiscriminatorNode/@XmlDescriminatorValue not working on WebLogic Server

EclipseLink Audit / History / Track changes

How to soft delete (logical delete) for all entities in eclipselink

java jpa eclipselink