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New posts in findbugs

How to write a customized gradle task to not to ignore Findbugs violations but fail after the analysis is completed

gradle findbugs

Autoboxing error

java findbugs

Found 'Reliance on default encoding' in OutputStream


Detect changing value of object passed as parameter

Reusing a PreparedStatement


java io findbugs

There are similar tools like FindBugs?

java findbugs

Why the variations on Ant plugin taskdefs?

How to use @SuppressFBWarnings correctly to ignore printStackTrace findbugs warning

Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown

java exception findbugs

How can I write to a static field safely in Java?

What standard optimization refactoring can I do to my Java application?

Java FindBugs: Suspicious comparison of Long references

java findbugs

Multithreaded correctness - Inconsistent synchronization

java sonarqube findbugs

Error in Sonar while executing Findbug rules

sonarqube findbugs

bundle a jnlp so you can add to dock on a mac?

macos jnlp findbugs dock

Installation of FindBugs plugin with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Adding custom detectors in findbugs

java findbugs