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New posts in findbugs

SonarQube - "The class '...' could not be matched to its original source file."

Which plugin should I use when replacing FindBugs with SpotBugs on Jenkins?

Nonnull annotations and standard java packages

java annotations findbugs

Writing a detector to search for uses of "System.out.println" using Findbugs

java bytecode findbugs

What is the recommended location for custom ruleset for PMD/checkstyle/findbugs? [closed]

maven checkstyle findbugs pmd

Redundant nullcheck of value known to be non-null or possible bug in findbugs

java findbugs

Configuring FindBugs in eclipse

java eclipse findbugs

FindBugs Eclipse: specyfying exclude filter files relatively to project

eclipse findbugs

FindBugs command line: how to specify the project to be analyzed?

java findbugs

Findbugs Gradle plugin won't fail the build

Using FindBugs with Play Framework 2

Is there a way to suppress FindBugs from generating warnings on code generated by static weaving?

Reports from PMD, checkstyle, findbugs

Reading http request from socket with null check java

java inputstream findbugs

Extending SonarQube FindBugs plugin with custom FindBugs plugin

java sonarqube findbugs

How can I generate both XML and HTML reports from the Findbugs plugin in Gradle

gradle findbugs

Can not execute Findbugs Caused by: This project contains Java source files that are not compiled

sonarqube findbugs

Findbugs warning: Equals method should not assume anything about the type of its argument

java equals findbugs

How to indicate that member fields are @Nonnull by default?

java findbugs jsr305