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New posts in dplyr

dplyr: Two keys in gather

r dplyr

Filter window with dplyr: find matching row, and keep subsequent N rows

r dplyr

Find max per group with dplyr in R

r dplyr

Filter one row every year

r dplyr

R Error: expecting a single value what does it mean?

dplyr to iterate over all columns for quantile

r dplyr

R: faster merging of data frames

r dplyr

How to flag first change in a variable value between years, per group?

r loops dplyr

purrr::map equivalent to dplyr::do

r dplyr purrr

Get index of a specific element in vector using %>% operator

r dplyr magrittr

Flag observations before and after a specific value in another column

r dplyr data.table

Converting string/chr to date using sparklyr

R cumsum with multiplication based on value

r dplyr

str_replace pattern is "" gives "Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : Evaluation error: Not implemented."

r dplyr

r using dplyr 'gather' function

r dplyr tidyr

Using `dplyr::mutate()` to create several new variables from names specified in a vector

r dplyr tidyverse tidyeval

dplyr::recode in conjunction with stringr::str_detect()

r dplyr tidyverse stringr

dplyr::mutate_at using multiple functions

r dplyr

Find all the zeroes over a diagonal of a data frame

r dplyr

count by all variables / count distinct with dplyr

r dplyr