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New posts in datacontext

UNITY: passing in a new datacontext each time?

How do I close a window from its user control view model?

c#: How to pass linq-objects around

c# wpf linq-to-sql datacontext

Linq to SQL DataContext: how to load data?

Ninject caching an injected DataContext? Lifecycle Management?

Controller generate few threads, although not asked

What is the value of creating a viewmodel as DataContext vs as a StaticResource

c# wpf xaml mvvm datacontext

Multiple/Single *.edmx files per database

Order of Operations in Regards to DataContext, Hard-Coded Values, Binding Expressions, Templates, and Nested Controls

WPF Simple Binding to INotifyPropertyChanged Object

using IValueConverter with current DataContext in two-way binding

Why is it bad to implicitly commit a Unit of Work in a Dispose() method?

DataContext compiled query problem with .NET 4

Binding Datacontext in Resources

c# wpf binding datacontext

How can I implement Caching Strategy in my Asp.net Mvc With linq2sql repository?

Mimicking SQL Insert Trigger with LINQ-to-SQL

Wiring up the MVVM View and ViewModel using Declarative DataContext for Design-Time and Data Template for Runtime?

Default datacontext

c# .net wpf datacontext

Quick way to detect if a DataContext table or view exists

c# linq-to-sql datacontext

Module 'System.Data.Linq' Version=, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089' should be referenced

c# asp.net web datacontext