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New posts in datacontext

Inject same DataContext instance across several types with Unity

DataContext as Source for Converter Binding Within Resources

Custom control with cascading DataContext to child elements in collection

How to handle nested datacontext in the BL?

CompositeCollection/CollectionViewSource confusion

Data Context's SubmitChanges method causing a entity reference to be set to null

My WPF custom control's Data Context is superseding parent's

How do I correctly manage the disposing of a DataContext?

Saving FrameworkElement with its DataContext to image file does no succeed

wpf render datacontext

WPF Show data from multiple DataContexts in ToolTip of ItemsControl

Get value from DataContext to MarkupExtension

c# wpf xaml mvvm datacontext

How to define DataContext in XAML using StaticResource

c# wpf xaml datacontext

UWP Databinding: How to set button command to parent DataContext inside DataTemplate

attaching linq to sql datacontext to httpcontext in business layer

EntityFramework: Retrieve data with a condition on two different context

LinqToSql - Parallel - DataContext and Parallel

Opinion on reuse of db context in Linq

c# linq datacontext

Is there anyway to stop automatic DataContext inheritance in Silverlight?

silverlight datacontext

Bind to parent DataContext within DataTemplate

Design-time DataContext in a DataTemplate?