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New posts in datacontext

How to cache DataContext instances in a consumer type application?

LinqToSql static DataContext in a web application

How to regenerate (update) LINQ to SQL DataContext?

MVVM Pattern, ViewModel DataContext question

Should data contexts be static?

Multiple dataContext for one control - MVVM

wpf mvvm datacontext

Can I set a DataContext to a static class?

c# wpf xaml static datacontext

WPF Update Binding when Bound directly to DataContext w/ Converter

How to bind column header to property in ViewModel? (WPF MVVM)

c# wpf mvvm datagrid datacontext

Setting Datacontext on contentpresenter: Binding inside ContentTemplate is not working

Linq: Get a list of all tables within DataContext

Ignore read-only class properties when using DataContext.ExecuteQuery<T>

Can I access more than one table via the same DataContext object simultaneously?

Why isn't my transaction escalating to DTC?

c# linq-to-sql datacontext

How to asynchronously call a database with subrecords using LINQ?

Get object's DataContext

Default physical location of Data base created in Entity Framework codefirst approach

How to detach a LINQ-to-SQL data object from the DataContext's tracking mechanism?

Entity Framework model change error

Event for "DataContextChanging"?

wpf datacontext