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How do I close a window from its user control view model?

I have a window which hosts various UserControl's as pages. Is it possible to close the window which I have no reference to from within the usercontrol's datacontext? Simplified details:


    public SetupWindow()
        Switcher.SetupWindow = this;
        Switcher.Switch(new SetupStart());  

    public void Navigate(UserControl nextPage)
        this.Content = nextPage;

SetupStart UserControl

<UserControl x:Class="...">
    <Button Content="Continue" Command="{Binding ContinueCommand}"/>


    public SetupStartViewModel()

    private bool canContinueCommandExecute() { return true; }

    private void continueCommandExectue()
        Switcher.Switch(new SetupFinish());

    public ICommand ContinueCommand
        get { return new RelayCommand(continueCommandExectue, canContinueCommandExecute); }
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user13070 Avatar asked Jun 15 '12 09:06


2 Answers

I managed to find a solution from an answer here: How to bind Close command to a button


public ICommand CloseCommand
    get { return new RelayCommand<object>((o) => ((Window)o).Close(), (o) => true); }


<Button Command="{Binding CloseCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" Content="Close"/>
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user13070 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09


I do this by having a RequestClose event in my ViewModel that it can raise when it wants the view to close.

This is then hooked up to the window's Close() command by the code that creates the window. eg

var window    = new Window();
var viewModel = new MyViewModel();

window.Content = viewModel;
viewModel.RequestClose += window.Close;


This way all the stuff to do with window creation is handled in one place. Neither the view, or the viewmodel know about windows.

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GazTheDestroyer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
