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New posts in database-migration

Why does Django drop the SQL DEFAULT constraint when adding a new column?

Rails initializers are running while migrating database

Migrating from Cake 1.3 to 2.0 and beyond - migrate existing, or only use for new?

What is the correct way to deal with DB migration while using South, Django and Git?

Entity Framework code first migrations throwing error

Entity Framework Migrations - How to create a Unit Test to Ensure Migrations Model is up to Date?

Adding fields to an already existing database for Django (version < 1.7)

schema migration: one-to-many, many-to-many in PostgreSQL

Timeout on advisory locks in postgresql

Laravel without Eloquent & database migrations?

Rails ActiveRecord Migrations similar in Node/ExpressJs

Dynamically add columns in an existing table on the fly in CakePHP 3

Transfer database from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 [closed]

Split Table into many to many relationship: Data Migration

MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion not executed

Is it possible to do migration on dynamic database connection with Laravel 5?

Database migrations for Entity Framework 4

How to remove an app from a django projects (and all its tables)

How to add default value to a column being added through 'rails g migration' command

What is the difference between removeColumn and dropColumn methods on Laravel Framework?