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Is it possible to do migration on dynamic database connection with Laravel 5?

I am trying to dynamically create database for different users. (every user will have their own database server, so don't ask why I am not using a single database for all users) To do that, I have a default database storing all the connection information. I will need to:

  1. Create a new database and run all migration files on new user registration.
  2. Run new migration files on all database recorded in this default database when there is update in schema.

Is there a way I can dynamically set the database connection of the migration file based on the information I have on the default database?

P.S. For "dynamically set the database connection", I am NOT meaning the normal setting as you do in controller or class. I expect something that would at least create migration table in the target database and be able to self-detect what migration file to run.

like image 966
cytsunny Avatar asked Oct 14 '16 03:10


People also ask

How Database migration is used in Laravel?

Laravel Migration is an essential feature in Laravel that allows you to create a table in your database. It allows you to modify and share the application's database schema. You can modify the table by adding a new column or deleting an existing column.

Is migration necessary in Laravel?

Migrations are optional but recommended. @ecksdee if you don't add a migration which creates a table in the database then you don't need Model in Laravel terms at all, because an Eloquent model is just an object relational mapper to a table that is part of your database.

How do you make migration and model together in Laravel?

Navigate to your project folder and run the following commands to create new: Model: php artisan make:model YourModelName. Controller: php artisan make:controller YourControllerName. Migration: php artisan make:migration create_users_table.

2 Answers

Yes there is. First you need to add the connection details to the configuration. Once you have a named connection configured, just call the migrate command on the Artisan facade, selecting the name of the connection ("new" in this example) as option:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;

$new_connection = 'new';

config(["database.connections.$new_connection" => [
    // fill with dynamic data:
        "driver" => "mysql",
        "host" => "",
        "port" => "",
        "database" => "",
        "username" => "",
        "password" => "",
        "charset" => "utf8",
        "collation" => "utf8_unicode_ci",
        "prefix" => "",
        "strict" => true,
        "engine" => null

Artisan::call('migrate', ['--database' => $new_connection]);
like image 120
alepeino Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09


First you need to create the database

 DB::getConnection()->statement('CREATE DATABASE :schema', array('schema' => $schemaName)); 

Then change the name of the database on the fly like this

$config = app(\Illuminate\Config\Repository::class);
$config->set('database.connections.mysql.database', UserRepotory::getCurrentDatabase());

You can include Config like this or trough laravel's service container.

And finally you call Artisan::call('migrate')

like image 21
Kliment Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
