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New posts in cpu-registers

Assembly - inline asm - copy from one array to another?

What are shadow registers in MIPS and how are they used?

Is memory outside each core always conceptually flat/uniform/synchronous in a multiprocessor system?

Intel x86 32-bit register confusion

How to use pop and ret in MASM

In ARM64 assembly code, when is register 31 XZR versus SP?

Bits bytes words and dwords - when to use what in assembly?

How to find the minimum value of an array in MIPS

Can I control register allocation in g++?

Do the MMX registers always exist in modern processors?

CPU Registers and Multitasking

ARM NEON: What's the difference between vld4_f32 and vld4q_f32?

ADC instruction in asm

x86 sbb with same register as first and second operand

WRITE and READ memory mapped device registers in Linux on ARM

c linux arm cpu-registers gpio

How to determine if the registers are loaded right to left or vice versa

How do make sure if a variable defined with "register" specifier got stored in CPU register?

address of register variable in C and C++

c++ c gcc g++ cpu-registers

Is there a standard way to detect bit width of hardware?

Understanding how EIP (RIP) register works?