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New posts in intel-syntax

error in backend: 32-bit absolute addressing is not supported in 64-bit mode

Disambiguate labels from register names in the Intel syntax

How to set gcc to use intel syntax permanently?

ASM: too many memory references for `mov'

How to determine if the registers are loaded right to left or vice versa

GCC inline ASM with variable

Memory addressing with GNU Assember Intel Syntax

Intel x86 to ARM assembly conversion

c x86 arm intel-syntax

Using ".intel_syntax noprefix" how can I get memory address of a label?

Distinguishing memory from constant in GNU as .intel_syntax

Commenting syntax for x86 AT&T syntax assembly

How to set a variable in GCC with Intel syntax inline assembly?

What do square brackets mean in x86 assembly?

What does the dollar sign ($) mean in x86 assembly when calculating string lengths like "$ - label"? [duplicate]

assembly x86 intel-syntax

Limitations of Intel Assembly Syntax Compared to AT&T [closed]