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New posts in compiler-construction

How do I reverse engineer a compiler?

JIT Optimizations at their finest

"java: Duplicate methods named XXX" issue when using Eclipse compiler in IDEA with JDK 8

Difference between __always_inline and inline

GHC Partial Evaluation and Separate Compilation

How do I generate new source code in text form in a Scala compiler plugin?

Last basic block of a function in LLVM

Intel C++ compiler bug? (pointers aliasing)

Unwinding frame but do not return in C

Using the DLR for (primarily) static language compilation

What is the state of C99 support in major compilers / toolchains?

PIC (Position Independedent Code)

How to use GCC to compile C code to 8088 Assembly?

Testing a compiler

Data structure for storing variables in an interpreted language

Method Type Inference in the Java Specification

'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command

How does the compiler know which catch block to take?

Example compilers [closed]

How do I run C# 4.0 compiler with CSharpCodeProvider class?