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New posts in compiler-construction

Java compiler API ClassLoader

Why the use of name arguments in a function actually generate more code?

ILGenerator.DeclareLocal() takes a type of a class not yet compiled

Will g++ link my programs with classes it doesn't use from a library?

How to change the default compiler?

Why won't javac accept `x = x+++++y`?

C/C++ strict aliasing, object lifetime and modern compilers

Smallest compiler possible in a turing complete language?

Code generation for expressions with fixed/preassigned register

Left recursion parsing

Broken Mono C# code using System.Windows.Forms

Would a cloud-based compiler be feasible? [closed]

What programming language is FogBugz written in?

C++ Library Compatibility

Why does the C# compiler differentiates between these 2 cases?

What is the purpose of a double negative in macro definition, like (!!(expr))? [duplicate]

Generating intermediate code in a compiler. Is an AST or parse tree always necessary when dealing with conditionals?

Objective C with some C++ code won't compile

Optimizations by compiler in a recursive program

Generating JVM bytecode for a unary not expression