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New posts in tail-call-optimization

Why do no javascript engines support tail call optimization?

Can an F# function be considered tail recursive it uses the TailCall .net opcode

Tail call optimization in Racket

Tail recursion issue

Does Arduino support tail call elimination?

Is there a tco pattern with two accumulating variables?

how is C# tail recursion optimization possible when a stack trace is returned when an exception is raised

Is there a workaround for "stack level too deep" errors in recursive routines?

Does the python stack grow with an iterative process that is executed by a recursive procedure?

Should not a tail-recursive function also be faster?

How can I get a stack trace with tail calls included in Ocaml?

Will this be tail call optimized in SWI-Prolog

My scala code does not get TCO'ed though it passes @tailrec

I get a StackOverFlowException on this code because my JVM doesn't support tail call optimizaion, right? [duplicate]

Why does TCO require support from the VM?

Is a recursive function in Scheme always tail-call optimized?

Are programs in functional languages more likely to have stack overflows?

Is this a tail call? (Javascript)

Why does gcc perform tail call optimization for one version but not for the other?

Explain to me what the big deal with tail call optimization is and why Python needs it