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New posts in esoteric-languages

What does the "Duplicate the top item on the stack" mean in Whitespace language?

How to print numbers from 1 to 10 using a loop in Brainfuck? Is it even possible?

What's wrong with my brainfuck parser code?

Why is Befunge considered hard to compile?

How do DP and CC change in Piet?

esoteric-languages piet

Trying to Learn Hexagony

memory esoteric-languages

Can you create a programming language with just one symbol?

Efficient implementation of while loop in brainfuck

Infinite Counting Loop in Brainfuck

Smallest compiler possible in a turing complete language?

How to run Esoteric Language ZOMBIE


Making an if(x==y) statement in Brainfuck

Is there any language that allows spaces in its variable names [closed]

Is there an Intercal mode for GNU Emacs?

Code Golf: Fractran

How does the Brainfuck Hello World actually work?