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Code Golf: Fractran

Fractran - 1779 fractions

(Edit: fixed)

(I hope people are still following this thread, because this took a while!)

It appears SO won't let me post something as long as this, so I posted the Fractran source here.

Input is specified as follows:

First, we encode a fraction m/n = p_0^a0... p_k^ak by:

  • Start with 1. Then, for each ai:
  • Multiply by p_2i^ai if ai > 0
  • Multiply by p_2i+1^{-ai} if a_i < 0

This way, we encode any fraction as a positive integer. Now, given a progoram (sequence of encoded fractions F0, F1, ...), we encode that by

p_0^F0 p1^F1 ...

Finally, input to the interpreter is given by:

2^(program) 3^(input) 5

where program and input are encoded as above. For example, in the first test problem, 3/2 gets encoded to 15, so the program gets encoded to 2^15; and 108 gets encoded to 500. So, we pass

2^{2^15} 3^500 5

to the program. The output, then is of the form

2^(program) 3^(output)

so in the first example, it'll be

2^{2^15} 3^3125

How does it work?

I wrote a meta-language that compiles down to Fractran. It allows for functions (simple Fractran and sequences of other functions), and a while loop and if statement (for convenience!). The code for that can be found here.

If you want to compile that code down to Fractran yourself, my (C++) program can be found here [tar.gz]. In a stunning display of dogfooding (and showing off), I used my C++ YAML parser yaml-cpp, so you'd have to download and link with that. For both yaml-cpp and the "compiler", you'll need CMake for cross-platform makefile generating.

The usage of this program is:

./fracc interpreter.frp

The it reads the name of a function from standard input, and writes the corresponding "pseudo-Fraction" (I'll explain that in a second) to standard output. So to compile the interpreter (the Interpret function), you could run

echo "Interpret" | ./fracc interpreter.frp > interpret

The output ("pseudo-Fractran") will be a sequence of lines, each with a string of space-separated digits. A line corresponds to a fraction: if the nth digit in the line is an, then the fraction is the product of p_n^an.

It's very easy to convert this to Fractran, but if you're lazy, you can use to-fractions.py. [Note: earlier I had a C++ program, and I had carelessly ignored integer overflow. I translated it to Python to avoid this.]

Note about input: if you want to test out a different function this way, the convention is always the same. It has a number of parameters (usually the comment above the function explains this) in pseudo-Fractran, so give it what it wants, plus a 1 on the very next slot (so in ordinary Fractran, multiply once by the first prime that it won't use). This is a "signal" bit to the function to start going.


I don't recommend actually trying to run the Fractran interpreter (alas). I tested many of its components, and, for example, the function IncrementPrimes, which takes a pair of primes and returns the next two primes, takes about 8 minutes to run, using my silly C++ interpreter (no need to post that :). Plus, it goes (at least) quadratically in the number of function calls - doubling the number of function calls makes it take at least four times as long (more if there are while loops or if statements). So I'm guessing that running the interpreter will take at least days, if not years :(

So how do I know it works? Well, of course I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty close. First of all, I tested many, many of its components, and in particular, I tested all of the elements of the meta-language (sequences of functions and if and while statements) very thoroughly.

Also, the meta-language is easy to translate into your favorite language, and even easier to translate to C++, since all parameters of functions are passed by reference. If you're feeling lazy again, you can download my translation here [tar.gz] (there's no makefile; it's just two .cpp files, so directly calling gcc is fine).

So you can compare the two interpreters, run the C++ version (it also takes input/output in pseudo-Fractran), check that that works, and then convince yourself that the meta-language works too.


If you're feeling inspired, and really want to see this interpreter interpreted, you can write a "clever" Fractran interpreter based around the type of Fractran output that we get. The output is very structured - sequences of functions are implemented using signals, so if you somehow cache where the interpreter was, you could jump there immediately if nothing important changed. This, I think, would dramatically speed up the program (perhaps cutting down running time by one or more powers).

But, I'm not really sure how to do this, and I'm happy with what's done, so I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader.

Fractran: 84 fractions

FTEVAL = [197*103/(2^11*101), 101/103, 103*127/(2*101), 101/103, 109/101,
  2*23/(197*109), 109/23, 29/109,197*41*47/(31*59), 11^10*53/(127*197), 197/53,
  37/197, 7^10*43/(11^10*37), 37/43, 59/(37*47), 59/47, 41*61/59, 31*67/(41*61),
  61/67, 7*67/(127*61), 61/67,101/71, 73/(127^9*29), 79/(127^2*73),
  83/(127*73), 89/(2*29), 163/29, 127^11*89/79, 337/83, 2*59/89, 71/61,
  7*173/(127*163), 163/173, 337*167/163, 347/(31*337), 337/347, 151/337,
  1/71,19*179/(3*7*193), 193/179, 157/(7*193), 17*181/193, 7*211/(19*181),
  181/211, 193/181, 157/193, 223/(7*157), 157/223, 281*283/239,
  3*257*269/(7*241), 241/269, 263/241, 7*271/(257*263), 263/271, 281/263,
  241/(17*281), 1/281, 307/(7*283), 283/307, 293/283, 71*131/107, 193/(131*151),
  227/(19*157), 71*311/227, 233/(151*167*311), 151*311/229, 7*317/(19*229),
  229/317, 239*331/217, 71*313/157, 239*251/(151*167*313), 239*251/(151*313),
  149/(251*293), 107/(293*331), 137/199, 2^100*13^100*353/(5^100*137),
  2*13*353/(5*137), 137/353, 349/137, 107/349, 5^100*359/(13^100*149),
  5*359/(13*149), 149/359, 199/149]

This is written entirely by hand. I did make up a pseudo language to be able to express things more clearly, but I did not write a compiler and opted to write optimized Fractran code directly.

FTEVAL takes input 3^initial_state * 5^encoded_program * 199, produces intermediate results 3^interpreted_program_state * 199, and completely halts at a number divisible by 233.

The interpreted program is embeded as a list of base 10 digits inside a single base 11 number, using the digit "a" to mark the boundary except at the very end. The addition program [3/2] is encoded as

int("3a2", 11) = 475.

The multiplication program [455/33, 11/13, 1/11, 3/7, 11/2, 1/3] is encoded as

int("1a3a11a2a3a7a1a11a11a13a455a33", 11) = 3079784207925154324249736405657

which is a truly large number.

The first test vector finished in less than one second, produced the desired result after 4545 iterations and halted after 6172 iterations. Here is the complete output.

Unfortunately, sage segfaulted when I tried the second test vector (but I think it'll work under Nick's implementation using prime exponent vectors).

The space here is really too small to explain everything. But here is my pseudocode. I will write up my process in a couple of days, hopefully.

# Notations:
# %p
#     designates the exponent of prime factor p that divides the
#     current state.
# mov x y
#     directly translates to the fraction y/x; its meaning: test if x divides
#     the current state, if so divide the current state by x and multiply it by
#     y.  In effect, the prime exponents of x and y are exchanged.  A Fractran
#     program only comprises of these instructions; when one is executable, the
#     program continues from the beginning.
# dec x => mov x, 1
#     wipes out all factors of x
# inc x => mov 1, x
#     this form is here for the sake of clarity, it usually appears in a
#     loop's entry statement and is merged as such when compiled
# sub n ret m {...}
#     conceptually represents a Fractran sub-program, which will execute just
#     like a normal Fractran program, that is, the sub-program's statements
#     execute when triggered and loop back.  The sub-program only exits when none of
#     its statement is executable, in which occasion we multiply the program's
#     state by m.  We can also explicitly break out early on some conditions.
#     It is also possible to enter a sub-prorgram via multiple entry points and
#     we must take care to avoiding this kind of behavior (except in case where
#     it is desirable).

# entry point 101: return 29
# Divide %2 modulo 11:
#   - quotient is modified in-place
#   - remainder goes to %127
sub 101 ret 101 { mov 2^11, 197 }
sub 101 ret 109 { mov 2, 127 }
sub 109 ret 29 { mov 197, 2 }

# entry point 59: return 61
# Multiply %127 by 10^%31 then add result to %7,
# also multiply %31 by 10 in-place.
sub 59 ret 41*61 {
  mov 31, 197*41
  sub 197 ret 37 { mov 127, 11^10 }
  sub 37 { mov 11^10, 7^10 }
sub 61 ret 61 { mov 41, 31 }
sub 61 ret 61 { mov 127, 7 } # the case where %31==0

# entry point 71: return 151 if success, 151*167 if reached last value
# Pop the interpreted program stack (at %2) to %7.
sub 71 {
  # call sub 101
  inc 101

  # if remainder >= 9:
  mov 29*127^9, 73
  #     if remainder == 11, goto 79
  mov 73*127^2, 79
  #     else:
  #         if remainder == 10, goto 83
  mov 73*127, 83
  #         else:
  #             if quotient >= 1: goto 89
  mov 29*2, 89
  #             else: goto 163
  mov 29, 163

  # 79: restore remainder to original value, then goto 89
  mov 79, 127^11*89

  # 83: reached a border marker, ret
  mov 83, 337

  # 89: the default loop branch
  # restore quotient to original value, call 59 and loop when that rets
  mov 2*89, 59
  mov 61, 71

  # 163: reached stack bottom,
  # ret with the halt signal
  sub 163 ret 337*167 { mov 127, 7 }

  # 337: clean up %31 before ret
  sub 337 ret 151 { dec 31 }

# entry point 193, return 157
# Divide %3 modulo %7:
#   - quotient goes to %17
#   - remainder goes to %19
sub 193 ret 17*181 {
  mov 3*7, 19
mov 7*193, 157
sub 181 ret 193 { mov 19, 7 }
mov 193, 157
sub 157 ret 157 { dec 7 }

# entry point 239: return 293
# Multiply %17 by %7, result goes to %3
mov 239, 281*283
sub 241 { mov 7, 3*257 }
sub 263 ret 281 { mov 257, 7 }
mov 281*17, 241
sub 283 ret 293 { dec 7 }

# entry point 107: return 149 if success, 233 if stack empty
# Pop the stack to try execute each fraction
sub 107 {
  # pop the stack
  inc 71*131

  # 151: popped a value
  # call divmod %3 %7
  mov 131*151, 193

  # if remainder > 0:
  mov 19*157, 227
  #     pop and throw away the numerator
  mov 227, 71*311
  #     if stack is empty: halt!
  mov 151*167*311, 233
  #     else: call 239 to multiply back the program state and gave loop signal
  mov 151*311, 229
  sub 229 ret 239*331 { mov 19, 7 }
  # else: (remainder == 0)
  #     pop the numerator
  mov 157, 71*313
  #     clear the stack empty signal if present
  #     call 239 to update program state and gave ret signal
  mov 151*167*313, 239*251
  mov 151*313, 239*251

  # after program state is updated
  # 313: ret
  mov 293*251, 149
  # 331: loop
  mov 293*331, 107

# main
sub 199 {
  # copy the stack from %5 to %2 and %13
  sub 137 ret 137 { mov 5^100, 2^100*13^100 }
  sub 137 ret 349 { mov 5, 2*13 }

  # call sub 107
  mov 349, 107

  # if a statement executed, restore stack and loop
  sub 149 ret 149 { mov 13^100, 5^100 }
  sub 149 ret 199 { mov 13, 5 }

x86_64 assembly, 165 characters (28 bytes of machine code).

State is passed in %rdi, Program (pointer to null-terminated array of fractions) is in %rsi. Results are returned in %rax per the usual C-style calling conventions. Using non-standard calling conventions or Intel syntax (this is AT&T syntax) would drop a few more characters, but I'm lazy; someone else can do that. An instruction or two can almost certainly be saved by re-arranging the control flow, if someone wants to do that, feel free.

Intermediate computations (state*numerator) can be up to 128 bits wide, but only 64 bit state is supported.

0:  mov     %rsi,   %rcx    // set aside pointer to beginning of list
1:  mov    (%rcx),  %rax    // load numerator
    test    %rax,   %rax    // check for null-termination of array
    jz      9f              // if zero, exit
    mul     %rdi
    mov   8(%rcx),  %r8     // load denominator
    div     %r8
    test    %rdx,   %rdx    // check remainder of division
    cmovz   %rax,   %rdi    // if zero, keep result
    jz      0b              // and jump back to program start
    add     $16,    %rcx    // otherwise, advance to next instruction
    jmp     1b
9:  mov     %rdi,   %rax    // copy result for return

Delete comments, extraneous whitespace, and the verbose label _fractran for minimized version.

Ruby, 58 57 56 53 52 characters

This is my first-ever code golf entry, so please be gentle.

def f(n,c)d,e=c.find{|i,j|n%j<1};d ?f(n*d/e,c):n end


irb> f 108, [[455, 33], [11, 13], [1,11], [3,7], [11,2], [1,3]]
=> 15625

irb> f 60466176, [[455, 33], [11, 13], [1, 11], [3, 7], [11, 2], [1, 3]]
=> 7888609052210118054117285652827862296732064351090230047702789306640625

Pretty version (252):

def fractran(instruction, program)
  numerator, denominator = program.find do |numerator, denominator|
    instruction % denominator < 1

  if numerator
    fractran(instruction * numerator / denominator, program)

Ruby, 53 52 using Rational

Inspired by gnibbler's solution I was able to get a solution using Rational down to 53 52 characters. Still one longer than the (less elegant) solution above.

def f(n,c)c.map{|i|return f(n*i,c)if i*n%1==0};n end


irb> require 'rational'
irb> f 60466176, [Rational(455, 33), Rational(11, 13), Rational(1, 11), Rational(3, 7), Rational(11, 2), Rational(1, 3)]
=> Rational(7888609052210118054117285652827862296732064351090230047702789306640625, 1)

(A to_i call for prettier output would add 5 more characters.)

Golfscript - 32


    ; 108 [[3 2]] f p
    # 243
    ; 1296 [[3 2]] f p
    # 6561
    ; 108 [[455 33][11 13][1 11][3 7][11 2][1 3]] f p
    # 15625
    ; 60466176 [[455 33][11 13][1 11][3 7][11 2][1 3]] f p
    # 7888609052210118054117285652827862296732064351090230047702789306640625

Haskell, 102 characters

import List
import Ratio
l&n=maybe n((&)l.numerator.(n%1*).(!!)l)$findIndex((==)1.denominator.(n%1*))l
$ ghci
Prelude> :m List Ratio
Prelude List Ratio> let l&n=maybe n((&)l.numerator.(n%1*).(!!)l)$findIndex((==)1.denominator.(n%1*))l
Prelude List Ratio> [3%2]&108
Prelude List Ratio> [3%2]&1296
Prelude List Ratio> [455%33,11%13,1%11,3%7,11%2,1%3]&108

88 with relaxed restrictions on the input/output format.

import List
import Ratio
l&n=maybe n((&)l.(*)n.(!!)l)$findIndex((==)1.denominator.(*)n)l
Prelude List Ratio> let l&n=maybe n((&)l.(*)n.(!!)l)$findIndex((==)1.denominator
Prelude List Ratio> [455%33,11%13,1%11,3%7,11%2,1%3]&108
15625 % 1