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Code Golf: Leibniz formula for Pi

J, 14 chars



  • 1e6 is number 1 followed by 6 zeroes (1000000).
  • i.y generates the first y non negative numbers.
  • +: is a function that doubles each element in the list argument.
  • >: is a function that increments by one each element in the list argument.

So, the expression >:+:i.1e6 generates the first one million odd numbers:

1 3 5 7 ...

  • % is the reciprocal operator (numerator "1" can be omitted).
  • -/ does an alternate sum of each element in the list argument.

So, the expression -/%>:+:i.1e6 generates the alternate sum of the reciprocals of the first one million odd numbers:

1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ...

  • 4* is multiplication by four. If you multiply by four the previous sum, you have π.

That's it! J is a powerful language for mathematics.

Edit: since generating 9! (362880) terms for the alternate sum is sufficient to have 5 decimal digit accuracy, and since the Leibniz formula can be written also this way:

4 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + ...

...you can write a shorter, 12 chars version of the program:


Language: Brainfuck, Char count: 51/59

Does this count? =]

Because there are no floating-point numbers in Brainfuck, it was pretty difficult to get the divisions working properly. Grr.

Without newline (51):


With newline (59):



26 chars

26 just the function, 27 to compute, 31 to print. From the comments to this answer.

sub _{$-++<1e6&&4/$-++-&_}       # just the sub
sub _{$-++<1e6&&4/$-++-&_}_      # compute
sub _{$-++<1e6&&4/$-++-&_}say _  # print

28 chars

28 just computing, 34 to print. From the comments. Note that this version cannot use 'say'.

$.=.5;$\=2/$.++-$\for 1..1e6        # no print
$.=.5;$\=2/$.++-$\for$...1e6;print  # do print, with bonus obfuscation

36 chars

36 just computing, 42 to print. Hudson's take at dreeves's rearrangement, from the comments.


About the iteration count: as far as my math memories go, 400000 is provably enough to be accurate to 0.00001. But a million (or as low as 8e5) actually makes the decimal expansion actually match 5 fractional places, and it's the same character count so I kept that.

Ruby, 33 characters


Another C# version:

(60 characters)

4*Enumerable.Range(0, 500000).Sum(x => Math.Pow(-1, x)/(2*x + 1));  // = 3,14159

52 chars in Python:

print 4*sum(((-1.)**i/(2*i+1)for i in xrange(5**8)))

(51 dropping the 'x' from xrange.)

36 chars in Octave (or Matlab):


(execute "format long;" to show all the significant digits.) Omitting 'disp' we reach 30 chars:

octave:5> l=0:5^8;(-1).^l*(4./(2.*l+1))'
ans = 3.14159009359631

Oracle SQL 73 chars

select -4*sum(power(-1,level)/(level*2-1)) from dual connect by level<1e6