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Code Golf: Prime Factors of a Number [closed]



People also ask

What is a prime number in golf?

For the purpose of this challenge, an integer is prime if it has exactly two strictly positive divisors. Note that this excludes 1, who is its only strictly positive divisor.

What are the prime factors of 20 *?

Now, take the number 20, and it is a composite number. So, split the number 20 into its prime factors. Here, 5 is a prime number and 4 is a composite number, which can be factored further. Hence, the prime factorization of 20 is 2 × 2 × 5 or 22 × 5.

What does it mean to break a number in its prime factors?

Prime Factorization DefinitionThe method of breaking down a number into its prime numbers that help in forming the number when multiplied is called prime factorization. In other words, when prime numbers are multiplied to obtain the original number, it is defined as the prime factorization of the number.

C#, 69

x is input number

int i=2;while(x>1)if(x%i++==0){x/=--i;Console.Write(i+(x>1?"x":""));};

With includes:

using system;
namespace nameSP
   class Program
     static void Main(string[] args)
        int i=2;while(x>1)if(x%i++==0){x/=--i;Console.Write(i+(x>1?"x":""));};

Obligatory J answer (2 characters):


ANSI C, 79 characters


Mathematica (15 chars including brackets):




{{2, 1}, {3, 1}, {7, 1}}