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Code Golf: Diamond Blackjack

J, 303 characters

4(1!:2)~,&(10{a.)"1>,.&.>/4 :'''/\/\''(x(<@:+)"1]4 2$1|.4#0 1)}y'&.>/@((<>1 7 1#1&|.@(2 10&#)&.>' _';'| ';'|_'),~>)"0(>({~[:(i.[:>./[*22&>)+/@>)(#:@i.@(2&^)@#<@#"1 _])".1!:1]3){a:,(((1$7);(a 0 _1;7),(a 0 2 _3 _1;7),((a=:,&.>/\)0 2 6 8 _3 _1;4;_5)){&.><,{(2+i.5);2 5 8),(4 5;k);<2 5;6 5;k=:,{2 8;~>:+:i.4
$ echo -n 1 5 7 8 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
|    \/    ||    \/    || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

$ echo -n 10 3 4 2 6 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
| /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\       || /\       || /\    /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/       || \/       || \/    \/ |
| \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          || /\    /\ |
| /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ |
| \/ /\ \/ ||       /\ ||       /\ || /\    /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ ||       \/ ||       \/ || \/    \/ |

$ echo -n 5 10 5 2 3 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
| /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ || /\       || /\       |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ || \/       || \/       |
| \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    |
| /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ ||       /\ ||       /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ ||       \/ ||       \/ |

The core, finding the best hand, is actually really easy. Generate the power set of the cards given, and select the one with the highest value less than 22.

({~[:(i.[:>./[*22&>)+/@>)(#:@i.@(2&^)@#<@#"1 _])

Then we start with a blank card

<>1 7 1#1&|.@(2 10&#)&.>' _';'| ';'|_'

and layer on diamonds in the appropriate places.

'/\/\'(x(<@:+)"1]4 2$1|.4#0 1)}y

The rest of the program is dominated by the table of what diamonds go where.

Golfscript - 228 Characters

' ':x/{~}%:h;9,{:r;h,2\?,{:m;h,,{2\?m&},{h\=}%}%1>{:j[{+}*.22<\j,j$j]}$)\;{:c;[x]3,{4\?'  \//\__'2/[11'?'*8'@'*'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf'8'?'*]']]'+10r*c+=@/3&=}%[x]++' _'1/7r&!=*}%'|':x;n}%
$ echo 10 9 8 7 6 5 | ../golfscript.rb black.gs
 __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          |
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

231 Characters

' ':x/{~}%:h,2\?,{:m;h,,{2\?m&},{h\=}%}%1>{:j[{+}*.22<\j,j$j]}$-1=:h;9,{:r;h{:c;[x]3,{4\?'  \//\__'2/11'?'*8'@'*'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf'8'?'*']]'++++10r*c+=@/3&=}%[x]++' _'1/7r&!=*}%'|':x;n}%

how it works

# parse input into a list 
' ':x/{~}%:h
# create the powerset
# map the powerset onto the cards
# trim the empty set from the powerset
# sort the hands. most preferred hand will be last
# take the preferred hand from the end of the list
# for r in 0..8
...more to follow

Python - 365 Characters

for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'*11+'@'*8+'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]')[r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max([[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b]for n in R(1<<H)],key=lambda c:(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)))
$ echo 2 4 8 1 8 3| python blackjack.py 
 __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          |
| /\       || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\       |
| \/       || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/       |
|          || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ ||    /\    |
|          || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ ||    \/    |
|       /\ || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ ||       /\ |
|       \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ ||       \/ |
$ echo 1 4 5 4 7 4 8| python blackjack.py 
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||          || /\ \/ /\ ||          |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

369 Characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'*11+'@'*8+'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]')[r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max(j)[-1])

377 Characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]*(sum(c)<22)
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'+T[c*8-8:])[r])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max(j)[-1])

408 characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]*(sum(c)<22)
T="@@@DH@@ @AB@@P` @ABDHP` @Qb@@Qb @QbDHQb @QbQbQb @QfYbQb @QfYfYb QbQfYbQn QfYbQfYn".split();U="\x3f"
for r in R(9):s="_ "[0<r<8];x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join(s.join(x+[("  ","/\\","\/","__")[ord((U+T[c-1]+U)[r])>>i&3]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in sorted(j)[-1][-1])


Blatantly stolen from gnibbler's Python solution; turns out to be three characters shorter, at 362 -- if input is given on the command line.

sub p{(local$z=pop)?(@z=&p,map[@$_,$z],@z):[]}
for(p@ARGV){$t=0;$t+=$_ for@$_;($s,@c)=($t,@$_)if$t>=$s&&$t<22}
map(join('',((split//,'  \//\__')[ord((('?')x11,('@')x8,split//,

To read from stdin, replace @ARGV by @F and use perl -an; using traditional Perl golf scoring, that counts as 362.

And, of course, gnibbler's other other Python trick can be copied too.

$ perl -pechomp <<'END' \
> >'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]'
> sub p{(local$z=pop)?(@z=&p,map[@$_,$z],@z):[]}
> for(p@F){$t=0;$t+=$_ for@$_;($s,@c)=($t,@$_)if$t>=$s&&$t<22}
> for$r(0..8){$x=$r?'|':$";for$c(@c){print+join$r*($r<8)?$":'_',$x,
> map(join('',((split//,'  \//\__')[ord((('?')x11,('@')x8,split//,$0)
> [$r*10+$c])*2>>$_&6..7])[0,1]),0,2,4),$x}print$/}
$ wc -c <bb*
$ echo 10 5 2 9 3 | perl -an bb*
 __________  __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ ||          || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\       || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/       || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ ||          || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ ||          || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ ||       /\ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ ||       \/ || /\    /\ |

Lua, 895

OK, correct now. Can even score 1 as ace.

t=table p=ipairs j=arg x={}r={}o={}b=0 function f()local e,s,n,m=0,0,{}for i,v in p(j)do s=s+v e=e+(v+0==1 and 1 or 0)n[i]=v end t.sort(n)for i,v in p(n)do if o[i]and v~=o[i]then m=v>o[i]break end end while e>0 and s<12 do s=s+10 e=e-1 end if s<=21 and s>b or(s==b and(#j>#r or(#j==#r and m)))then b=s for i=1,#r>#j and #r or #j do r[i]=j[i]o[i]=j[i]end t.sort(o)end if s>0 then for i=1,#j do t.insert(x,t.remove(j,i))f()t.insert(j,i,table.remove(x))end end end f()t={" __________ ","|          |","|__________|","|    /\\    |","| /\\       |","|       /\\ |","| /\\    /\\ |","| \\/ /\\ \\/ |","|_\\/____\\/_|"}c={"12224D223","125E226F3","125E4D6F3","127G227G3","127G4D7G3","127G7G7G3","1278HG7G3","1278H8HG3","17G78HG79","178HG78H9"}for i=1,9 do for j,x in p(r)do v=c[tonumber(x)]:sub(i,i):byte()io.write(v<64 and t[v-48]or(t[v-64]:gsub("[/\\]",{["/"]="\\",["\\"]="/"})))end io.write("\n")end

Sample output:

>lua card.lua 8 9 10 7 
 __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |

>lua card.lua 1 4 5 4 7 4 8 
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||          || /\ \/ /\ ||          |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

>lua card.lua 1 9 5 5
 __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||    /\    |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||    \/    |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

Python - 298 Characters

simply rename the script like this

mv blackjack.py '???????????@@@@@@@@bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]].py'

Here is the script

import sys
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(sys.argv[0][r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max([[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b]for n in R(1<<H)],key=lambda c:(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)))

and a sample run

$ echo 1 2 3 4 5 | python '???????????@@@@@@@@bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]].py'
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\       || /\       || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/       || \/       || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||          ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    |
|    \/    ||          ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    |
|          ||       /\ ||       /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          ||       \/ ||       \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |