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Code Golf: Beehive

Perl, 99 characters

@P=map{$/.substr$".'__/  \\'x99,$_,$W||=1+3*pop}0,(3,6)x pop;
chop$P[0-$W%2];print"    __"x($W/6),@P

Last edit: Saved one character replacing -($W%2) with 0-$W%2 (thanks A. Rex)


For width W and height H, the output is 2+2 * H lines long and 3 * W+1 characters wide, with a lot of repetition in the middle of the output.

For convenience, we let $W be 3 * W + 1, the width of the output in characters.

The top line consists of the pattern " __", repeated W/2 == $W/6 times.

The even numbered lines consist of the repeating pattern "\__/ ", truncated to $W characters. The second line of output is a special case, where the first character of the second line should be a space instead of a \.

The odd numbered lines consist of the repeating pattern "/ \__", truncated to $W characters.

We construct a string: " " . "__/ \" x 99. Note that the beginning of this string is the desired output for the second line. This line starting at position 3 is the desired output for the odd lines, and starting at position 6 for the even numbered lines.

The LIST argument to the map call begins with 0 and is followed by H repetitions of (3,6). The map call creates a list of the substrings that begin at the appropriate positions and are $W = 3 * W + 1 characters long.

There is one more adjustment to make before printing the results. If W is odd, then there is an extra character on the second line ($P[0]) that needs to be chopped off. If W is even, then there is an extra character on the bottom line ($P[-1]) to chop.

Python 2.6 - 144 characters including newlines

I can save about 20 more characters if the inputs are allowed to be comma separated.

print C/2*"    __"+"\n "+("__/  \\"*99)[:3*C-C%2]
exec'r+=3;print ("\__/  "*99)[r:r+3*C+1-r/6/R*~C%2];'*2*R

The version that takes input from the command line is 4 more bytes:

import sys
print C/2*"    __"+"\n "+("__/  \\"*99)[:3*C-C%2]
exec'r+=3;print ("\__/  "*99)[r:r+3*C+1-r/6/R*~C%2];'*2*R

C89 (136 characters)

"/  \\__"[--y?y-1|x?(x+y*3)%6:1:x%6<4?1:5]);}

Perl, 160 characters

$w=shift;for$h(-1..2*shift){push@a,join'',(('\__','/  ')x($w+$h))[$h..$w+$h]}
$a[0]=~y#\\/# #;$a[1]=~s/./ /;s/_*$//for@a;$a[$w%2||$#a]=~s/. *$//;print$_,$/for@a

No cleverness involved at all: just fill the array with characters, then weed out the ones that look ugly.

strager's masterpiece is only 137 characters when ported to Perl, but all credit should go to him.

$w=shift;$\=$/;for$y(1..($h=2+2*shift)){print map+(split//,'_ \__/  ')

J, 143 characters

4(1!:2)~(10{a.)&,"1({.4 :0{:)".(1!:1)3
|:(18,(}:,32-+:@{:)3 3 8 1 1 10$~3*x){(,' '&(0})"1,' '&(0 1})"1)(,}."1)(}."1,}:"1)(3++:y)$"1'/\',:' _'

Using J feels very awkward when dealing with variable-length strings and the sort of console-oriented user interaction that is assumed in other languages. Still, I guess this is not too bad...

Stealing ideas once more (J is much easier to work with once you find a way of looking at the problem in an array-structured way), here's mobrule's masterpiece ported in 124 (ick, it's longer than the original):

4(1!:2)~({.4 :0{:)".(1!:1)3
(x}~' '_1}(x=.-1-+:2|x){])((10{a.),(' ',,99#'__/  \',:'    __'){~(i.>:3*x)+])"0]595 0,3 6$~+:y

C#, 216 characters

class B{static void Main(string[]a){int b=0,i=0,w=int.Parse(a[0])+1,z=2*w*(int.Parse(a[1])+1);for(;i<z;b=(i%w+i/w)%2)System.Console.Write("\\/ "[i>w&(w%2>0?i<z-1:i!=2*w-1)?b>0?0:1:2]+(++i%w<1?"\n":b>0?"__":"  "));}}

Less obfuscated:

class B{
    static void Main(string[]a){
       int b=0,

             "\\/ "[i>w&(w%2>0?i<z-1:i!=2*w-1)?b>0?0:1:2]
             (++i%w<1?"\n":b>0?"__":"  ")

I used the following method:

input: 4 2
cols:  0 00 1 11 2 22 3 33 4 44     
row 0:" |  | |__| |  | |__| |"
    1:" |__|/|  |\|__|/|  |\|"
    2:"/|  |\|__|/|  |\|__|/|"
    3:"\|__|/|  |\|__|/|  |\|"
    4:"/|  |\|__|/|  |\|__|/|"
    5:"\|__|/|  |\|__|/|  | |"
  1. Iterate from zero to (W+1)*(H*2+1). The *2 is because each comb is 2 lines tall, and +1 to account for the first line and end of lines.
  2. Render two "pieces" of a hexagon per iteration:
  3. Decide between " ", "\", and "/" for the first part
  4. Decide between "__", "  ", and "\n" for the second part

The pattern is evident if you look at a large enough honeycomb. Half the logic is there only to address exceptions in the first row, the end of the second row, and the last cell.