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Programming Concepts That Were "Automated" By Modern Languages [closed]

People also ask

Which programming language is close to human language?

Python is a high-level programing language. This means that it's closer to human language and further from machine language. The advantage of this is that it's easy to read and simple to implement.

What programming language is used for automation?

Java. Java is the most popular general-purpose automation programming language owned by Oracle Corporation.

What was the first modern programming language?

Computer Programming History: FORTRAN was the first computer programming language that was widely used.


For the longest time, it was necessary to do this by hand. Now most compilers can do it infinitely better than any human ever could.

Note: This is not to say that hand-optimizations aren't still done, as pointed out in the comments. I'm merely saying that a number of optimizations that used to be done by hand are automatic now.

I think writing machine code deserves a mention.

Data collections

Hash tables, linked lists, resizable arrays, etc

All these had to be done by hand before.

Iteration over a collection:

foreach (string item in items)
    // Do item

Database access, look at the ActiveRecord pattern in Ruby.

The evil goto.

Memory management, anybody? I know it's more efficient to allocate and deallocate your own memory explicitly, but it also leads to Buffer Overruns when it's not done correctly, and it's so time consuming - a number of modern languages will allocate and garbage collect automatically.

Event System

Before you had to implement the Observer Pattern all by yourself. Today ( at least in .NET ) you can simply use "delegates" and "events"