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Should I throw on null parameters in private/internal methods?

I'm writing a library that has several public classes and methods, as well as several private or internal classes and methods that the library itself uses.

In the public methods I have a null check and a throw like this:

public int DoSomething(int number) {     if (number == null)     {         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(number));     } } 

But then this got me thinking, to what level should I be adding parameter null checks to methods? Do I also start adding them to private methods? Should I only do it for public methods?

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user9993 Avatar asked Jan 17 '16 01:01


People also ask

Should you always check for NULL?

In any case, it is always good practice to CHECK for nulls on ANY parameters passed in before you attempt to operate on them, so you don't get NullPointerExceptions when someone passes you bad data. Show activity on this post. If you don't know whether you should do it, the chances are, you don't need to do it.

Where do you put null checks?

If you have implemented layering in your project, good place to do null checks are the layers that receives data externally. Like for example: the controllers, because it receives data from the user... or the gateways because it receives data from repositories.

When method should be private?

Private methods are typically used when several methods need to do the exact same work as part of their responsibility (like notifying external observers that the object has changed), or when a method is split in smaller steps for readability.

1 Answers

Ultimately, there isn't a uniform consensus on this. So instead of giving a yes or no answer, I'll try to list the considerations for making this decision:

  • Null checks bloat your code. If your procedures are concise, the null guards at the beginning of them may form a significant part of the overall size of the procedure, without expressing the purpose or behaviour of that procedure.

  • Null checks expressively state a precondition. If a method is going to fail when one of the values is null, having a null check at the top is a good way to demonstrate this to a casual reader without them having to hunt for where it's dereferenced. To improve this, people often use helper methods with names like Guard.AgainstNull, instead of having to write the check each time.

  • Checks in private methods are untestable. By introducing a branch in your code which you have no way of fully traversing, you make it impossible to fully test that method. This conflicts with the point of view that tests document the behaviour of a class, and that that class's code exists to provide that behaviour.

  • The severity of letting a null through depends on the situation. Often, if a null does get into the method, it'll be dereferenced a few lines later and you'll get a NullReferenceException. This really isn't much less clear than throwing an ArgumentNullException. On the other hand, if that reference is passed around quite a bit before being dereferenced, or if throwing an NRE will leave things in a messy state, then throwing early is much more important.

  • Some libraries, like .NET's Code Contracts, allow a degree of static analysis, which can add an extra benefit to your checks.

  • If you're working on a project with others, there may be existing team or project standards covering this.

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Ben Aaronson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Ben Aaronson