Ok, I think it's time for my own implementation in Windows BATCH script (should work on Windows 2000 or later).
Here is the code:
@echo off
set zero_to_nineteen=Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen
set twenty_to_ninety=ignore ignore Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety
set big_numbers=ignore Thousand Million Billion Trillion Quadrillion Quintillion Sextillion Septillion Octillion Nonillion Decillion Undecillion Duodecillion Tredecillion Quattuordecillion Quindecillion Sexdecillion Septendecillion Octodecillion Novemdecillion Vigintillion
rem 10^0 10^3 10^6 10^9 10^12 10^15 10^18 10^21 10^24 10^27 10^30 10^33 10^36 10^39 10^42 10^45 10^48 10^51 10^54 10^57 10^60 10^63
call :parse_numbers %*
exit /B 0
if "$%~1" == "$" goto parse_numbers_end
call :parse_number %~1
echo %~1 -^> %parse_number_result%
goto parse_numbers_loop
exit /B 0
call :get_sign %~1
set number_sign=%get_sign_result%
call :remove_groups %get_sign_result_number%
call :trim_leading_zeros %remove_groups_result%
set number=%trim_leading_zeros_result%
if "$%number%" == "$0" (
set parse_number_result=Zero
exit /B 0
set counter=0
set parse_number_result=
set last_three=%number:~-3%
set number=%number:~0,-3%
call :parse_three %last_three%
call :get_from %counter% %big_numbers%
if "$%get_from_result%" == "$" (
set parse_number_result=* ERR: the number is too big! Even wikipedia doesn't know how it's called!
exit /B 0
if not "$%parse_three_result%" == "$Zero" (
if %counter% == 0 (
set parse_number_result=%parse_three_result%
) else (
if not "$%parse_number_result%" == "$" (
set parse_number_result=%parse_three_result% %get_from_result% %parse_number_result%
) else (
set parse_number_result=%parse_three_result% %get_from_result%
set /A counter+=1
if not "$%number%" == "$" goto parse_number_loop
if "$%parse_number_result%" == "$" (
set parse_number_result=Zero
exit /B 0
) else if not "$%number_sign%" == "$" (
set parse_number_result=%number_sign% %parse_number_result%
exit /B 0
call :trim_leading_zeros %~1
set three=%trim_leading_zeros_result%
set /A three=%three% %% 1000
set /A two=%three% %% 100
call :parse_two %two%
set parse_three_result=
set /A digit=%three% / 100
if not "$%digit%" == "$0" (
call :get_from %digit% %zero_to_nineteen%
if not "$%digit%" == "$0" (
if not "$%get_from_result%" == "$Zero" (
set parse_three_result=%get_from_result% Hundred
if "$%parse_two_result%" == "$Zero" (
if "$%parse_three_result%" == "$" (
set parse_three_result=Zero
) else (
if "$%parse_three_result%" == "$" (
set parse_three_result=%parse_two_result%
) else (
set parse_three_result=%parse_three_result% %parse_two_result%
exit /B 0
call :trim_leading_zeros %~1
set two=%trim_leading_zeros_result%
set /A two=%two% %% 100
call :get_from %two% %zero_to_nineteen%
if not "$%get_from_result%" == "$" (
set parse_two_result=%get_from_result%
goto parse_two_20_end
set /A digit=%two% %% 10
call :get_from %digit% %zero_to_nineteen%
set parse_two_result=%get_from_result%
set /A digit=%two% / 10
call :get_from %digit% %twenty_to_ninety%
if not "$%parse_two_result%" == "$Zero" (
set parse_two_result=%get_from_result% %parse_two_result%
) else (
set parse_two_result=%get_from_result%
goto parse_two_20_end
exit /B 0
call :trim_leading_zeros %~1
set idx=%trim_leading_zeros_result%
set /A idx=0+%~1
if "$%idx%" == "$0" goto get_from_loop_end
set /A idx-=1
goto get_from_loop
set get_from_result=%~1
exit /B 0
set str=%~1
set trim_leading_zeros_result=
if not "$%str:~0,1%" == "$0" (
set trim_leading_zeros_result=%trim_leading_zeros_result%%str%
exit /B 0
set str=%str:~1%
if not "$%str%" == "$" goto trim_leading_zeros_loop
if "$%trim_leading_zeros_result%" == "$" set trim_leading_zeros_result=0
exit /B 0
set str=%~1
set sign=%str:~0,1%
set get_sign_result=
if "$%sign%" == "$-" (
set get_sign_result=Minus
set get_sign_result_number=%str:~1%
) else if "$%sign%" == "$+" (
set get_sign_result_number=%str:~1%
) else (
set get_sign_result_number=%str%
exit /B 0
set str=%~1
set remove_groups_result=%str:'=%
exit /B 0
This is the test script I used:
@echo off
rem 10^x:x= 66 63 60 57 54 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
call number 0
call number 2
call number -17
call number 30
call number 48
call number -256
call number 500
call number 874
call number 1'024
call number -17'001
call number 999'999
call number 1'048'576
call number -1'000'001'000'000
call number 912'345'014'587'957'003
call number -999'912'345'014'587'124'337'999'999
call number 111'222'333'444'555'666'777'888'999'000'000'000'001
call number -912'345'014'587'912'345'014'587'124'912'345'014'587'124'337
call number 999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999
call number 1'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000
rem 10^x:x= 66 63 60 57 54 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
And this is the output I got from my test script:
0 -> Zero
2 -> Two
-17 -> Minus Seventeen
30 -> Thirty
48 -> Forty Eight
-256 -> Minus Two Hundred Fifty Six
500 -> Five Hundred
874 -> Eight Hundred Seventy Four
1'024 -> One Thousand Twenty Four
-17'001 -> Minus Seventeen Thousand One
999'999 -> Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
1'048'576 -> One Million Forty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Six
-1'000'001'000'000 -> Minus One Trillion One Million
912'345'014'587'957'003 -> Nine Hundred Twelve Quadrillion Three Hundred Forty Five Trillion Fourteen Billion Five Hundred Eighty Seven Million Nine Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand Three
-999'912'345'014'587'124'337'999'999 -> Minus Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Septillion Nine Hundred Twelve Sextillion Three Hundred Forty Five Quintillion Fourteen Quadrillion Five Hundred Eighty Seven Trillion One Hundred Twenty Four Billion Three Hundred Thirty Seven Million Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
111'222'333'444'555'666'777'888'999'000'000'000'001 -> One Hundred Eleven Undecillion Two Hundred Twenty Two Decillion Three Hundred Thirty Three Nonillion Four Hundred Forty Four Octillion Five Hundred Fifty Five Septillion Six Hundred Sixty Six Sextillion Seven Hundred Seventy Seven Quintillion Eight Hundred Eighty Eight Quadrillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Trillion One
-912'345'014'587'912'345'014'587'124'912'345'014'587'124'337 -> Minus Nine Hundred Twelve Tredecillion Three Hundred Forty Five Duodecillion Fourteen Undecillion Five Hundred Eighty Seven Decillion Nine Hundred Twelve Nonillion Three Hundred Forty Five Octillion Fourteen Septillion Five Hundred Eighty Seven Sextillion One Hundred Twenty Four Quintillion Nine Hundred Twelve Quadrillion Three Hundred Forty Five Trillion Fourteen Billion Five Hundred Eighty Seven Million One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Seven
999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999'999 -> Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Vigintillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Novemdecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Octodecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Septendecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Sexdecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Quindecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Quattuordecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Tredecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Duodecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Undecillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Decillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Nonillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Octillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Septillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Sextillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Quintillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Quadrillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Trillion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Billion Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Million Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
1'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000 -> * ERR: the number is too big! Even wikipedia doesn't know how it's called!
If I could find some more names of large numbers, the script would support even bigger numbers. Currently, though, the script will work with all numbers from -(10^66-1) to (10^66-1).
I have to mention, that I had a lot of fun solving this in BATCH. :)
C# - 30 lines incl. method declaration and { }s:
Takes into account all the previously aforementioned commas, ands and hyphens. I've only included up to octillion because decimal.MaxValue is only in the octillions. For bigger integers you would need to add corresponding items to the thou[] array and perhaps pass the number in as a string, modifying the line to extract the block by using the last 3 chars instead of using modulo as I have here.
static string wordify(decimal v)
if (v == 0) return "zero";
var units = " one two three four five six seven eight nine".Split();
var teens = " eleven twelve thir# four# fif# six# seven# eigh# nine#".Replace("#", "teen").Split();
var tens = " ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety".Split();
var thou = " thousand m# b# tr# quadr# quint# sext# sept# oct#".Replace("#", "illion").Split();
var g = (v < 0) ? "minus " : "";
var w = "";
var p = 0;
v = Math.Abs(v);
while (v > 0)
int b = (int)(v % 1000);
if (b > 0)
var h = (b / 100);
var t = (b - h * 100) / 10;
var u = (b - h * 100 - t * 10);
var s = ((h > 0) ? units[h] + " hundred" + ((t > 0 | u > 0) ? " and " : "") : "")
+ ((t > 0) ? (t == 1 && u > 0) ? teens[u] : tens[t] + ((u > 0) ? "-" : "") : "")
+ ((t != 1) ? units[u] : "");
s = (((v > 1000) && (h == 0) && (p == 0)) ? " and " : (v > 1000) ? ", " : "") + s;
w = s + " " + thou[p] + w;
v = v / 1000;
return g + w;
Called using:
static void Main(string[] args)
seventy-nine octillion, two hundred and twenty-eight septillion, one hundred and sixty-two sextillion, five hundred and fourteen quintillion, two hundred and sixty-four quadrillion, three hundred and thirty-seven trillion, five hundred and ninety-three billion, five hundred and forty-three million, nine hundred and fifty thousand, three hundred and thirty-five
In A86 assember - assembles to a .COM executable:
dd 0ba02c6bfh, 0b8bd10c1h, 0e808b512h, 0ea870100h, 08700e9e8h, 010273eah
dd 0e0e8c2h, 06b51872h, 0c000ebe8h, 0b3c02e8h, 03368067dh, 0b2e901h
dd 0baaa5004h, 0fd8110c1h, 0cd7c1630h, 0bf3031bbh, 0a0571000h, 0ec880080h
dd 0c581c589h, 023c0081h, 0e7f087ch, 0823e38h, 027b00875h, 0e901d068h
dd 0b6400080h, 04f6f603h, 080d08a1ch, 0b60f80c4h, 07f06c7f4h, 088303000h
dd 0ac00813eh, 087ef828h, 0b00056e8h, 051e81dh, 0d83850adh, 0e7f157ch
dd 0a74fc38h, 0262ce088h, 0e901a368h, 01d2c003bh, 0580036e8h, 0b7efc38h
dd 0774d838h, 0f828e088h, 0800026e8h, 0127e1dfah, 0afd448ah, 0440afe44h
dd 074f838ffh, 0e8c28a05h, 0cafe000fh, 0ab7cee39h, 05a2405c6h, 021cd09b4h
dd 05e856c3h, 020b05e00h, 0c5bec3aah, 074c00a02h, 03c80460ah, 0fefa755bh
dd 046f675c8h, 0745b3cach, 0f8ebaae8h, 0eec1d689h, 08a3c8a03h, 07e180cah
dd 0cfd2c1feh, 0ebe8c342h, 0fed8d0ffh, 0c3f775cdh, 01e581e8fh, 0303c5ea8h
dd 0df6f652ah, 078bde03ch, 05e027500h, 01ec1603ch, 07d40793dh, 0603c8080h
dd 09f6f2838h, 040f17a3dh, 080f17a22h, 0403d7264h, 0793cdee1h, 0140740f1h
dd 01e2f7d32h, 02f488948h, 0a7c43b05h, 0a257af9bh, 0be297b6ch, 04609e30ah
dd 0b8f902abh, 07c21e13eh, 09a077d9eh, 054f82ab5h, 0fabe2af3h, 08a6534cdh
dd 0d32b4c97h, 035c7c8ceh, 082bcc833h, 0f87f154fh, 0650ff7eah, 02f143fdfh
dd 0a1fd687fh, 0c3e687fdh, 0c6d50fe0h, 075f13574h, 0898c335bh, 0e748ce85h
dd 08769676fh, 0ad2cedd3h, 0928c77c7h, 077e2d18eh, 01a77e8f6h
db 0bah, 01bh
That's a 454 byte executable.
Here's the (slightly smaller) code. Since A86 is an 8086 only assembler, I've had to hand code the 32bit extensions:
mov di,strings
mov dx,tree_data * 8 + 1
mov bp,code_data * 8
mov ch,8
call extract_bits
xchg dx,bp
call extract_bit
xchg dx,bp
jnc l2
add dx,ax
call extract_bit
jc l3
mov ch,6
call extract_bits
shr al,2
cmp al,11
push l27
jl get_string
add al,48+32
mov dx,tree_data * 8 + 1
cmp bp,end_data * 8
jl l1
mov bx,'01'
mov di,01000h
push di
mov al,[80h]
mov ah,ch
mov bp,ax
add bp,81h
cmp al,2
jl zero
jg l90
cmp byte ptr [82h],bh
jne l90
mov al,39
push done
mov si,strings-1
or al,al
je l36
inc si
cmp byte ptr [si],';'+32
jne l35
dec al
jnz l35
inc si
cmp al,';'+32
je ret
jmp l37
inc ax
mov dh,3
div dh
add al,28
mov dl,al
add ah,80h
db 0fh, 0b6h, 0f4h ; movzx si,ah
mov word ptr [80h],'00'
sub al,bh
jle l100
call get_string2
mov al,29
call get_string2
push ax
cmp al,bl
jl l150
jg l140
cmp ah,bh
je l140
mov al,ah
sub al,'0'-10
push l150
push si
call get_string
pop si
mov al,' '
sub al,'0'-19
call get_string2
pop ax
cmp ah,bh
jle l200
cmp al,bl
je l200
mov al,ah
sub al,bh
call get_string2
cmp dl,29
jle l300
mov al,[si-3]
or al,[si-2]
or al,[si-1]
cmp al,bh
je l300
mov al,dl
call get_string2
dec dl
cmp si,bp
jl l95
mov byte ptr [di],'$'
pop dx
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h
rcr al,1
dec ch
jz ret
push l41
mov si,dx
shr si,3
mov bh,[si]
mov cl,dl
and cl,7
inc cl
ror bh,cl
inc dx
dw 01e8fh, 01e58h, 05ea8h, 0303ch, 0652ah, 0df6fh, 0e03ch, 078bdh
dw 07500h, 05e02h, 0603ch, 01ec1h, 0793dh, 07d40h, 08080h, 0603ch
dw 02838h, 09f6fh, 07a3dh, 040f1h, 07a22h, 080f1h, 07264h, 0403dh
dw 0dee1h, 0793ch, 040f1h, 01407h, 07d32h, 01e2fh, 08948h
db 048h
dw 052fh, 0c43bh, 09ba7h, 057afh, 06ca2h, 0297bh, 0abeh, 09e3h
dw 0ab46h, 0f902h, 03eb8h, 021e1h, 09e7ch, 077dh, 0b59ah, 0f82ah
dw 0f354h, 0be2ah, 0cdfah, 06534h, 0978ah, 02b4ch, 0ced3h, 0c7c8h
dw 03335h, 0bcc8h, 04f82h, 07f15h, 0eaf8h, 0ff7h, 0df65h, 0143fh
dw 07f2fh, 0fd68h, 0fda1h, 0e687h, 0e0c3h, 0d50fh, 074c6h, 0f135h
dw 05b75h, 08c33h, 08589h, 048ceh, 06fe7h, 06967h, 0d387h, 02cedh
dw 0c7adh, 08c77h, 08e92h, 0e2d1h, 0f677h, 077e8h, 0ba1ah
db 01bh
The text is stored using Huffman encoding. The command line is passed as a string so converting it is simple - split the string into groups of three and parse each group (hundreds, tens and units) following each with the current multiplier (millions, thousands, etc).
Lisp, using only standard functions:
(format nil "~r" 1234) ==> "one thousand two hundred thirty-four"
(format nil "~@r" 1234) ==> "MCCXXXIV"
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