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Is using the directory separator constant necessary?

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What is the directory separator?

Microsoft chose the backslash character ("\") as a directory separator, which looks similar to the slash character, though more modern version of Windows are slash-agnostic, allowing mixage of both types of slashes in a path.

Which is the correct constant for a platform independent directory separator?

If you prefer to hard-code the directory separator character, you should use the forward slash ( / ) character. It is the only recognized directory separator character on Unix systems, as the output from the example shows, and is the AltDirectorySeparatorChar on Windows.

Which is the correct constant for a platform independent directory separator Python?

In Windows you can use either \ or / as a directory separator.

As far as PHP is concerned, you might not need it when constructing a path, but it is important for anything you get from the OS.

From http://alanhogan.com/tips/php/directory-separator-not-necessary:

In attempting to write cross-platform, portable PHP code, I used PHP’s DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant to write path strings, e.g. "..".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."foo", because the “proper” way to do it on Windows would be "..\foo" while on everything else (Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X) it would be "../foo".

Well, as Christian on php.net pointed out and the guys at Web Design Forums confirmed, that’s completely unnecessary. As long as you use the forward slash, “/”, you’ll be OK. Windows doesn’t mind it, and it’s best for *nix operating systems.

(Note that DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is still useful for things like explode-ing a path that the system gave you. Thanks to Shadowfiend for pointing this out.)

Mac OS Classic uses ":", for instance. See Wikipedia for details. Also it's considered good style avoiding 'magic numbers' or similar constructs.

Windows actually uses a backslash as the directory separator, although some environments that have Windows versions will translate between forward slashes and backslashes automatically (Python comes to mind).