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Code Golf: Spider webs

Perl, 164 chars

195 184 171 167 164

print@o=((map{$z=_ x($x=1+$N-$_);$"x$x." /"x$_."\\$z|$z/".'\ 'x$_.$/}0..($N=<>)),
"_/"x++$N."   ".'\_'x$N.$/);
y'/\\'\/',@o||y#_# #,$t++||y#_ # _#,print while$_=pop@o

First statement prints out the top half of the spider web. Second statement uses transliteration operations to create a reflection of the top half.

This next one weighs in closer to 314 chars (of productive code), but is more in the spirit of the season.

           ;               "
         Tr                 Ic
        K|                   |t
       Re                     aT
       ",                     "H
       av                     e
        A:                    -
     )H AL                   LO  W
    ee  N"                   ,"  En
   jo    y_                 Yo    ur
   _      C&&             y";     ##
   &I      ();           $N=      1+
   <>;      $,=  $/;@O  =((     map 
    $" x($   X=$N-$_). ${   f}x$_.$
   x3).${c}x$N);sub I{($F,$B,$U, $P)
  =qw         (/ \\ _ |);;         ${
 S}=        " ";$f=$S.$F;$g=$       U.
 $F     ;$b=$B.$S;$c=$B.${U};}@{    P}=
@{     O};  while($_=pop@{P}  ){     @{
 P}    ||   y:_: :;$spooky++  ||    0|
  0    ||   y@_ @ _@;y:/:8:;   ;    ;
   ;   ;;   y:\\:/:;y:8:\\:;  @O   =
    (  @O    ,$_);}print@O;   q{
       Do     !Discuss:Rel    ig
       io       n,Politi      cs
        ,&                   &T
        heG                 rea
          tP              ump
            ki           n}

Hat tip to http://www.ascii-art.de/ascii/s/spider.txt

I constructed the spider shaped code by hand, but see the Acme::AsciiArtinator module on CPAN for help with automating (or at least semi-automating) the task.

Golfscript - 124 chars

All whitespace is significant! If you accidently add a newline to the end there will be an extra _ at the end of the output

~):@,{@\:&-:0' ': *& '/':/+*'\\':~'_':
0*.'|':|\/~ +&*n}%
/+@*   ~
+@*n ~+@*

@/ +*n@,{):& *@&-:( ~+*/[
 ](!=&*.|\~/ +(*n}%

Golfscript - 129 chars

~):@,{@\:&-:0' ': *&' /'*'\\':~'_':
0*.'|'\'/'~ +&*n}%'_/'@*   '\_'@*n ~+@*

@'/ '*n@,{):& *@&-:( ~+*'/'[
 ](!=&*.'|'\~'/ '(*n}%

Golfscript - 133 chars

~):@,{@\:&-:0' ': *&' /'*'\\':~'_':
0*.'|'\'/'~ +&*n}%'_/'@*3 *'\_'@*n' \\'@*3
*@'/ '*n@,{):& *@&-:( ~+*'/''_ '1/(!=&*.'|'\~'/ '(*n}%

Python - 212 chars

n=input()+1;b,f,p,u,s='\/|_ '
a=[s*(n-i)+' /'*i+b+u*(n-i)+p+u*(n-i)+f+'\ '*i+s*(n-i)for
i in range(n)]
print"\n".join(a+['_/'*n+s*3+'\_'*n,' \\'*n+u*3+'/ '*n]+[x[::-1]for
x in a[:0:-1]]+[a[0][::-1].replace(u,s)])

Perl: 161 characters

Note that this code includes the starting web in the source. (The doubled backslash at the end is a shame. An earlier version didn't have that.)

_/   \_
s|\\(.*)/| \\_$1_/$` /$&\\ |;
s|(\s+)\K/(.*).$| \\$&/$1 /_$2_\\|
s|_(?=.*$)| |g;

The whitespace within $_ is significant (of course), but none of the rest is. If you have a minor suggestion that improves this, please feel free to just edit my code. For example, Kinopiko has nicely shaved off 6 characters!

Depending on how you count command-line switches, this might be shorter (154 by usual Perl golf rules if I can count correctly):

#!perl -ap
_/   \_
s|\S(.*).| \\_$1_/$` /$&\\ |,
s|(\s+)\K/(.*).$| \\$&/$1 /_$2_\\|while$F[0]--;
s|_(?=.*$)| |g

Vb.net, windows console, Infer, Strict, Explicit ON.

Microsoft word is saying 442 characters without space

It might be possible to reduce it more but this is my last update(try #2)

Module z
Sub Main()
    Dim i = CInt(Console.ReadLine), j = i + 1, h = j * 2 + 1, w = h * 2, z = "_", b = " "

    For y = 0 To h
        For x = 0 To w
            Dim l = (x + y Mod 2 + i Mod 2) Mod 2, u = j + y, e = j - y, k = h + e, o = x = h Or x = h - 1
            Console.Write(If(x = h, If(y = j, b, If(y = j + 1, z, "|")), "") & If(x = w, vbLf, If(y = j, If(x Mod 2 = 0 = (x < h), If(o, b, z), If(x < h, "/", "\")), If(x < k And x > u Or (x < u And x > k Or o) And y < h, z, If(x = k Or (x < u And y < j And x > e Or x > u And y > j And x < w + e) And l = 0, "/", If(x = u Or (x > k And y < j And x < h + u Or x < k And y > j And x > y - j - 1) And l = 1, "\", b))))))
End Sub
End Module

Python: 240 Characters

Nothing too tricky here; just printing line by line - 298 280 271 266 265 261 260 254 240 characters (ignore the last 2 line breaks)

u,b,f,s,a='_\/ |'
print'\n'.join([(m-x)*s+x*' /'+b+(m-x)*u+a+(m-x)*u+f+x*'\ 'for x in
  range(0,m)]+['_/'*m+s*3+'\_'*m+'\n'+(s+b)*m+u*3+'/ '*m]+[x*s+(m-x)*
  ' \\'+f+x*u+a+x*u+b+(m-x)*'/ 'for x in range(1,m)] + [s*m+f+s*m+a+s*m+b])

Lua, 290

n=...s=string r=s.reverse g=s.gsub a="\\|/"j=(" /"):rep(n+1)..a..("\\ "):rep(n+1) k=j o=k
l=n*4+7 for i=1,n+1 do k=g(k,"^(.- )/(.-)|(.*)\\(.-)$","%1%2_|_%3%4")o=k..o end
o=o..r(o)print((g(g(g(g(r(g(o:sub(1,l),"_"," ")..o:sub(l+1)),j,g(j," ","_")),("."):rep(l),"%1\n"),a,"   "),r(a),"___")))