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Last basic block of a function in LLVM

Does the back() of a Function guarantee to return the terminator basic block of CFG in LLVM?

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dalibocai Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 14:03


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What is a basic block in LLVM?

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How to use llvmgetfirstbasicblock() function?

The returned basic block can be used as an iterator. You will likely eventually call into LLVMGetNextBasicBlock () with it. So call LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock once per function, and then LLVMGetNextBasicBlock repeatedly until you've gone through all the basic blocks of that function (juding by the source you'll get a nullptr when that happens).

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2 Answers

I don't think, since there's no such a thing as a "terminator BB": there very well may be multiple BBs terminated by a return.

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CAFxX Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10


No. There could be multiple terminator basic blocks of a function, for instance a function containing multiple return statements. each basic block that contains a return statement from the function will then be called a terminator block or terminator basic block. To detect all basic blocks that are terminator basic blocks (i.e. contain a return statement) do the following:

runOnFunction {
   for BB in F:
      for I in BB:
          if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst> I)
             BB is terminator Basic Block
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Shehbaz Jaffer Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Shehbaz Jaffer