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New posts in compiler-construction

Create new *package* in a Scala Compiler Plugin

How is Exception handling implemented by programming languages?

Optimization of "static" loops

LALR(1) or GLR on Windows - Alternatives to Bison++ / Flex++ that are current?

Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)

Interpreters and Dynamically Typed Languages

Writing a compiler: how to get simple templates to work?

What are the difference between byte code and bit code [duplicate]

Assigning a value to a constant syntax or semantic error?

Using the TypeScript type checker to see if two types are assignable

Is there any program that obfuscates C# source code? [closed]

Which hardware factor is important to fast code compilation

Why does VC++ 2010 compiler crash when compiling simple code?

Why are dynamic constructs difficult for php compilers (HPHP)?

C compiler structure optimisation

SBT: view class file summary during compilation?

LLVM/Clang special case for allocators

'Lexical' scoping of type parameters in C#

How do I imitate the Microsoft version of __FUNCTION__ using gcc?

68040 Takes Wrong Branch of If Else