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New posts in compact-framework

Compact Framework/Threading - MessageBox displays over other controls after option is chosen

First call to web service is slow; consumed by compact framework win app

Application Error thrown in Compact Framework app on Windows Ce 6.0

.NET CF Bitmap class quality is poor

Asynchronous programming design pattern

How can I open an image and edit the image with C# .Net Compact Framework.

c# .net compact-framework

"Getting started" questions for NUnit (or NUnitLite) and .NET CF

Hardware to begin .NET compact framework development

Zip And Unzip files and folders

c# integer validation compactframework

c# compact-framework

How can I establish a secure channel for SSL/TLS from a handheld device?

Rijndael algorithm (How to create our own Key )

Smart Device projects in Visual Studio 2010

How can I make the AssemblyInfo version of a C# .NET CF program propagate to the Explorer Properties window?

How to create a full screen application in Win CE 6.0 using .NET Compact Framework 3.5?

c# compact-framework

.NET CF set 'DroppedDown' for combobox

JSON.NET Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 Compact Framework

.net Compact Framework 4.0

c# .net compact-framework

Asynchronous WebRequest with POST-parameters in .NET Compact Framework

c# .net compact-framework

Memory profiler for .NET Compact Framework