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Optimizing shared array access with temporary volatile qualifier

Cannot modify data segment register. When tried General Protection Error is thrown

gcc assembly x86 osdev isr

How does one read from an peripheral IO register using C/gcc?

gcc volatile avr isr

Statically Defined IDT

interrupt x86 isr

Does ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) have a separate stack?

68040 Takes Wrong Branch of If Else

Difference between ISR and Function Call?

What happens when you disable interrupts, and what do you do with interrupts you don't know how to handle?

How CPU finds ISR and distinguishes between devices

interrupt irq isr apic

ESP8266/Arduino: Why is it necessary to add the ICACHE_RAM_ATTR macro to ISRs and functions called from there?

Should volatile still be used for sharing data with ISRs in modern C++?

c++ embedded volatile isr

How to save the registers on x86_64 for an interrupt service routine?

assembly x86-64 isr

Signals and interrupts a comparison

What is the difference between FIQ and IRQ interrupt system?