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New posts in compiler-construction

Delphi constant bitwise expressions

Linking fails using mpicc on C++ program

What does the unary operator "-" do on unsigned data types in C/C++ (and on different compilers)?

Is it possible to write code that will cause long compile times?

Compiler to translate Java bytecode to platform-independent C code before runtime?

Advantages of using truncation towards minus infinity vs towards zero

Checking Python code correctness

Any compiler which takes 'char' as 'unsigned' ?

What is the difference between `cc -std=c99` and `c99` on Mac OS?

Do any c compilers implement any of the C1X features?

c compiler-construction c11

C compiler cannot create executables in Ubuntu 12.04

Why is params keyword not contextual?

Why would a C++ compiler only eliminate useless writes if there's no code after those writes?

Java Compiler String optimization

Is it possible to write a compiler in COBOL?

Does my C++ compiler optimize my code?

What's the limit to the number of members you can have in a java enum?

Sequence points, conditionals and optimizations

Are there limits to how deep nesting of header inclusion can go?

Why are variables that are declared in one case statement in scope for other cases?