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Data type in COBOL

cobol gnucobol

What is a "Load Module"?

linker cobol mainframe zos

Display the loadlib at runtime

cobol mainframe zos

Using reserved cobol names in xml output

xml cobol mainframe

concatenating unknown-length strings in COBOL

string cobol

what is "copy corresponding" in cobol, and how does it work?


Is there some way to access Sql server from z/OS mainframe and have the result in IBM 3270 terminal emulation?



Convert Mainframe Binary to Ascii Using any Open Source Code or Tool

View code generated by IBM's Enterprise COBOL compiler

cobol mainframe zos

copybook misalignment in fileaid

cobol mainframe zos

Compile Cobol 4 with a Cobol 5 compiler

compilation cobol zos mvs

Converting an unknown six digit date format, possibly some variant of Julian

sql database date datetime cobol

Command Wait in COBOL?

cobol gnucobol

What is the use of the EXIT keyword?


Close a Transaction CICS

What is a Cobol 88-type equivalent in another languages?

cobol cross-language

How do I get rid of trailing and embedded spaces in a string?


IBM i Determine Available Programming Languages

ibm-midrange cobol rpg

Dynamic memory allocation in COBOL