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New posts in compiler-construction

Working with a C++ compiler that doesn't support exceptions?

Switch statement with non-constant-expression - Extends C#/IDE ability

Go as a backend for my compiler?

lex error y.tab.h

compiler-construction lex

"1>cl : Command line error D8021: invalid numeric argument '/Wno-deprecated'" Erro

Collecting LLVM Edge Profiling with llvm-prof

Linking to a dynamic library installed with Homebrew using gcc?

Java compiler fails to recognise static inner class

Replace compiler when building Haskell project with Cabal

How to get function pointer in LLVM

Big-O for a compiler [closed]

How to create AST parser which allows syntax errors?

Symbol Table created by the C++ compiler

GCC compiler porting to new architecture : Call external library function

Not a constant initializer element?

What kind of lexer/parser was used in the very first C compiler? [closed]

Creating a fast interpreted language

Is there any example of language grammar that possible for Yacc to express but impossible for Antlr4?

Why TS is unsafe in unary arithmetic operations but not in binary ones?

Will the c++ compiler optimize away unused return value?