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Creating a fast interpreted language

I'm currently creating a programing language written in Nim.

The front-end of the compiler is done, I'm currently sitting in front of a well-built Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and I tried implementing a simple interpreter, calling an evaluate() method on each tree node. This worked, hell yes, I even made environments for functions and stuff. BUT, turns out to be ~ 15-20 times slower than python. Python runs on a virtual machine and translates the source program into bytecode. Other languages use JIT compilation. None of this two things are easy to implement, but what's really sad for me is not beeing able to find any single book that try to teach you how to merge this two worlds, it's either building a VM that's useful alone, or building a compiled language.

Tools like LLVM and GraalVM can help but again, I can't see how to link my AST to these things.

What should my next step be? JIT / VM?

If VM: Any recommendations on how to transform the AST into bytecode and create a VM for it?

If JIT: How do you even compile things in a dynamic language. For example

fun add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

The interpreter knows the type of a and b only at run-time, thus can't compile that until it's found, but if you compile it to machine code, the arguments must be known, thus what happens of the next call is of different argument types, recompile?

I'm kinda confused in this mattes, any lighting would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Erik Campobadal Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 22:06

Erik Campobadal

People also ask

What is the fastest interpreted programming language?

C++ is one of the most efficient and fastest languages. It is widely used by competitive programmers for its execution speed and Standard Template Libraries(STL).

How do you develop an interpreted language?

To create an interpreter first you need to create a lexer to get the tokens of your input program. Next you create a parser that takes those tokens and, by following the rules of a formal grammar, returns an AST of your input program. Finally, the interpreter takes that AST and interprets it in some way.

Do interpreted languages run faster?

Compiled languages are converted directly into machine code that the processor can execute. As a result, they tend to be faster and more efficient to execute than interpreted languages. They also give the developer more control over hardware aspects, like memory management and CPU usage.

What makes a language fast?

The predominant characteristic that is considered to make a language fast is how well its data types correspond to machine data types. Java is considered to be an efficient language because it has primitive data types.

1 Answers

You're hoping for a single book that describes how to build ultra-high performance interpreters. To do that, you essentially blur "interpreter" with "compiler" to gain efficiency. To do that, the simple answer is, use every compiler trick in the book(s significantly plural). You've got a lot of reading to do.

However, the core of what you want know can be found in the papers about SELF, a fast runtime "interpreter" which sort of defined how JIT compilers should work, especially in the face of dynamic typing:

An efficient implementation of SELF a dynamically-typed object-oriented language based on prototypes, (Chambers/Ungar) ACM Sigplan Notices. A PDF is available here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Ungar2/publication/234781317_An_Efficient_Implementation_of_Self_a_Dynamically-Typed_Object-Oriented_Language_Based_on_Prototypes/links/540f8fbe0cf2f2b29a3de0a6.pdf

You can find out more technical papers on this topic by going to scholar.google.com and searching for "JIT Compilers" and anything by "Craig Chambers".

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Ira Baxter Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Ira Baxter