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New posts in nim-lang

Nim - Create sequence of objects which implement a method

How to run a line of code in debug mode only in Nim?

debugging nim-lang

What is nim's equivalent of Python's `sys.executable`?


printing an array in Nim using echo


How can the "static type" and "dynamic type" be different?

types nim-lang

How can I use expression inside formatted string in Nim?


What name does this syntax have


What does "special compiler magic" mean?


defining parameters of multiple types in Nim

How to correctly create a nim/nimrod windows dll

windows dll nim-lang

Nim return custom tuple containing proc

tuples nim-lang

Nim `Warning: re is deprecated`, what to use instead?

How to obtain the nim compiler version programmatically ?


Type classes in Nim

typeclass nim-lang

Compile-time Call Count in Nim


Can countup and countdown iterators in Nim language be used in variable declaration?


How to call a Nim function from Rust through C-FFI?

c rust ffi nim-lang

How can I get safe reference to existing object in Nim?


How to read from the stdin with nim script?


Safely "lend" memory block to another thread in C, assuming no "concurrent access"