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New posts in compiler-construction

How is maximal-munch implemented?

How to prove left-recursive grammar is not in LL(1) using parsing table

Variant vs Inheritance [closed]

What jobs does a typical C++ compiler handle?

Is every LL(1) grammar also a LALR(1) grammar?

Partial function in Coq / underdefined?

What happens to identifiers in a program?

Can I separate C++ main function and classes from Objective-C and/or C routines at compile and link?

GCC compiler infrastructure for VLIW architectures

compiling linux kernel with non-gcc

Using member variables inherited from a templated base class (C++)

How to build a program so that it doesn't require DLLs

Resources on converting syntax tree to assembly?

Java Primitive Implementation

How does hardware and compiler deal with an x86 instruction that crosses into a non-executable page?

Lexer that recognizes indented blocks [duplicate]

How to make boost.build use a specific compiler installation?

What legal code could trigger C4523 "multiple destructors specified" Visual C++ warning?

Intel Compiler versus GCC

Can a control dependence graph have loops?