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New posts in machine-translation

How do I translate using HuggingFace from Chinese to English?

Use the google transliterate api in python

How to tune a Machine Translation model with huge language model?

Is it acceptable to have the same input multiple times in machine learning (with different output)?

Server-side software for translating languages? [closed]

How to do a Tree Transfer in prolog for MT

Python: Goslate translation request returns "503: Service Unavailable" [closed]

Automatic text translation

Translator for website [closed]

What jobs does a typical C++ compiler handle?

BLEU score implementation for sentence similarity detection

Hidden size vs input size in RNN

How do I train a encoder-decoder model for a translation task using hugging face transformers?

Japanese Numerals to Arabic Numerals converter in Python

High Precision Word Alignment Algorithm in Python

Phrase extraction algorithm for statistical machine translation

What is the difference between mteval-v13a.pl and NLTK BLEU?

What's a good explanation of statistical machine translation?

Open Source Machine Translation Engines?