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c# 7 tuples . not able to use tuples in mac dotnet core 1.1

Why can't you destructure to a tuple with only one value?

c# destructuring c#-7.0

Can a C# named Tuple be used as an MVC page model type?

c# model tuples named c#-7.0

C# 7.0 type pattern matching usage without variable

c# pattern-matching c#-7.0

C# deconstruction and overloads

c# c#-7.0

C# 7 how to unit test local functions [duplicate]

c# unit-testing c#-7.0

IEnumerable Expression-Bodied Member C#

Is the "C# Language Specifications" updated for C# 6.0 or 7.0 yet?

c# c#-6.0 c#-7.0

Why does the C# 'is' operator give a correct result when comparing two boolean values and should I use it?

c# c#-7.0

Local Function Compiler Error in ASP.NET Web Application in VS2017 [duplicate]

How to write a method that can handle Task and ValueTask?

c# c#-7.0

How to create named reference-type tuples?

Add XML documentation for named elements in ValueTuple

The "is" type pattern expression for null check

c# c#-7.0

TFS 2015 build template cannot build C#7 features

Should we always return by ref if we can?

Why does the C# 7 discard identifier _ still work in a using block?

c# .net visual-studio cil c#-7.0

C# 7.0 Tuple Deduction

c# tuples c#-7.0