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New posts in c#-7.0

C# 7 switch case with null checks

Why can I ref return an item of an array that only exists inside the method?

ref c#-7.0

Is the sort order of System.ValueTuple officially specified, and where?

c# c#-7.0 valuetuple

Using Tuple in VS2017, build failed but show no Error

Why this compiler error when mixing C# ValueTuple and dynamic

c# dynamic roslyn c#-7.0

Can I simplify this C# 7 switch statement to not re-state the type?

c# pattern-matching c#-7.0

How to enable c# 7 features on Unity3D projects

Xamarin - Multi-targetting - "'System.ValueTuple`2' is declared in multiple referenced"

Casting new tuple to old one gives compilation error

c# tuples c#-7.0

C# ValueTuple properties naming

c# c#-7.0 valuetuple

Why can't I define a bit in c#?

c# c#-7.0

C# 7 binary literal for -1

c# .net c#-7.0

Pattern matching equal null vs is null

c# c#-7.0

C# 7 Tuples and names in .NET Core

c# .net-core c#-7.0

Null propagation feature and Razor views

c# razor asp.net-mvc-5 c#-7.0

Non-shortcircuting boolean operators and C# 7 Pattern matching

c# c#-7.0

How can I specify default values for method parameters in c#7 tuples?

How to initialize default value to C#7 out variables?

c# c#-7.0

C# 7:How can I deconstruct an object into a single value using a tuple?

c# tuples c#-7.0