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Pattern matching equal null vs is null




From Microsoft new-features-in-c-7-0:

public void PrintStars(object o)
    if (o is null) return;     // constant pattern "null"
    if (!(o is int i)) return; // type pattern "int i"
    WriteLine(new string('*', i));

Whats the diferrence of o == null and o is null?

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MuriloKunze Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 15:03


People also ask

Should I use is null or == null?

There is also a difference when you try to compare a non-null variable to a null value. When using == , the compiler will issue a Warning, while when using is , the compiler will issue an Error. Most likely, 99% of the time, you want the compiler to shout at you for such a basic mistake. +1 for is null .

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ReferenceEquals returns true when the object instances are the same instance. In this case, it returns true when obj is null. Equals is similar to ReferenceEquals when one argument is null .

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2 Answers

The o is null is translated to object.Equals(null, o) (you can see it here).

The object.Equals code is written as:

public static bool Equals(Object objA, Object objB)
    if (objA == objB)
        return true;
    if (objA == null || objB == null)
        return false;
    return objA.Equals(objB);

so in the end there will be a o == null (the first if). Note that System.Object doesn't define the operator==, so the one used is the one for reference types that is reference equality.

Theorically, by watching the called code, one could think that o == null (with o a System.Object) should be faster than o is null (less operations)... But who knows? :-)

The end result is that, through two different routes, o is null and o == null (with o a System.Object) return the same result.

By looking we can even see that o == null is the same as object.ReferenceEquals(o, null) (with o a System.Object) :-).

the interesting question should be, why doesn't the C# compiler translates the x is null to object.ReferenceEquals(x, null)?. Note that, thanks to how the boxing of nullable types is done, it would work even for:

int? a = null;
if (a is null) { /* */ }

changes to the compiler made this response invalid... If you click on the "here" link you can see it

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xanatos Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09


Since the answer of @xanatos is outdated (but that is only mentioned at the very end) I'm writing a new one, because I wanted to know this as well and researched it.

In short: if you don't overload the == operator, then o == null and o is null are the same.
If you do overload the == operator, then o == null will call that, but o is null won't.

o is null always does the same as ReferenceEquals(o, null), i.e. it only checks if the value is null, it doesn't call any operators or Equals methods.

Longer answer: here is a SharpLab sample that showcases the various ways to check for null.

If you view the result in IL form you see that:

  • is null and ReferenceEquals result in the same code
  • o == null will call the overloaded operator==
  • object.Eqauls(o, null) calls that method
  • if you comment the operator== in class C you will see that o == null now produces the same code as o is null
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enzi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
