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New posts in yield-return

Wrapping call to iterator in try/catch when using yield

c# try-catch yield-return

Simplify writing custom iterators in Java

How do I activate another Enumerator inside the first one

Unable to cast object of type '<>d__6' to type 'System.Object[]'

c# static yield-return

What happens to GetEnumerator() method when yield return is used?

Cannot print to console using yield return

c# .net yield-return

Is this a dangerous locking pattern?

c# locking yield-return

How can yield return statement return no elements?

Yield return and "not all code paths return value"

c# yield-return

Using GetEnumerator in PowerShell on IEnumerable implemented using C# yield return

Having trouble refactoring an IEnumerator method with multiple yields

What is the proper pattern for handling Enumerable objects with a yield return?

How to get property name when it uses yield return

c# properties yield-return

Is 'yield return' slower than "old school" return?

c# yield-return

Returning and iterable collection using yield in scala

A local variable can be named as yield

c# yield-return

Can you access the IEnumerable as you are yield returning it?

c# ienumerable yield-return

yield return when appending values on to the end of an existing IEnumerable

c# yield-return

How can I make `await …` work with `yield return` (i.e. inside an iterator method)?