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New posts in yield-return

Syntax issue IEnumerable<T> method using yield return

c# yield-return

The wonders of the yield keyword

Changing a method that has "return" and "yield return"

c# return yield-return

Problem using C# iterator methods with code access security

C#'s `yield return` is creating a lot of garbage for me. Can it be helped?

Yield return from a try/catch block [duplicate]

Yield return and exception handling [duplicate]

IEnumerable Expression-Bodied Member C#

yield return and return

c# yield yield-return

.NET iterator to wrap throwing API

c# .net exception yield-return

How to properly throw an Exception inside yield return method in C#

c# exception yield-return

How to yield from parallel tasks in .NET 4.5

Can I implement yield return for IEnumerable functions in VB.NET? [duplicate]

Enumerator disposal when not using using, foreach or manually calling Dispose()

Strange execution order when using nested method, yield return and using in combination [duplicate]

When using "yield" why does compiler-generated type implement both IEnumerable and IEnumerator

C# compiler not recognizing yield return methods as similar?

Why can't we debug a method with yield return for the following code? [duplicate]

c# ienumerable yield-return

Yielding with an IDisposable resource

c# yield-return

Thread safety of yield return with Parallel.ForEach()