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New posts in bit-manipulation

Bitwise operation on a floating point usefulness

Bit shifting and bit mask - sample code

java bit-manipulation

Efficiently bitshifting bytes in 32/64 bit quantities?

Unsigned right shift operator '>>>' in Swift

swift bit-manipulation

Bitwise shift in C [duplicate]

Multishift operation

How to access the new x86 bit-manipulation instructions from Common Lisp?

Why does the C/C++ bitwise XOR operator care about sign? [duplicate]

C++ left shift overflow for negative numbers

c bit-manipulation

PHP if statement question (& operator)

Best way to generate the following bitmask for a given input?

c bit-manipulation bitmask

python bitwise operations on C data types?

how to put an unsigned int into a char array and extract it back

c++ c bit-manipulation memcpy

Making sense of some bit magic in the Go standard library

Bit shifting a byte by more than 8 bit

c bit-manipulation

bit level operation in Matlab

matlab bit-manipulation

Divide by power of 2 resulting in float

What does (float)(par4 >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; mean?

java hex bit-manipulation

Bitwise operation for add

How to determine if three numbers are equal