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New posts in beta-testing

Build fails when targeting Android Q but works at API 28 with "Failed to transform file 'android.jar' to match attributes"

iOS: how to distribute a "parallel" app version for ad-hoc beta testing

xcode ios adhoc beta-testing

How to Allow a Beta Tester to run my iPad Application without Physical Access to iPad

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Testflight not installing completely

Apple TestFlight: "this version is no longer available for testing" [closed]

How to do Mac App Beta Testing and Distribution?

TestFlight Provide feedback button

Cannot come out from the play store internal beta testing

Add macro BETA=1 to Xcode for certain schemes?

How to beta test a WP7 app?

Distribution country for beta testing in Google Play

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With TestFlight being replaced by iTunes Connect, what will happen to enterprise app beta testing?

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Beta testing with internal testers for iOS 8

LGE Nexus 5 in Google Play beta keeps crashing with NoClassDefFoundError - but which class is it?

Best way to distribute Flutter application Android & iOS. Best Practices in Flutter Beta Distribution

Publish beta version on Android market

Does Google Play Store send "Beta App Update" notification to "Beta Testers"?

maximum number of testers on google play alpha/beta testing