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Are Work Item IDs unique in TFS, even when using multiple projects?

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Build artifact retention setting being ignored


How to create Team Project Collections on VisualStudio.com?

Unremovable conflict in TFS

tfs azure-devops

Migrating project from GitHub to Visual Studio Online

git github tfs azure-devops

Fetching build definitions from Visual Studio Online through TFS API

vs team services trigger build with commit message

Enable C# 7 support in VSTS

Setup publish to folder using VSTS

Build error in Xcode on cloud-hosted Mac on VSTS

Allow PR Build Validation builds without publishing artifacts

VSTS : Can I access the Build variables from Release definition?

Azure DevOps Roll back after promoting build to production


Error in VSTS (Azure DevOps) - An operation is still in progress. Please wait and try again

Jamal Hartnett pushed updates to Fabrikam-Fiber-Git:master

azure azure-devops

Azure DevOps CI/CD and Separating Connection Strings from Source Control

ImagePullBackOff error in Kubernetes while pulling docker images from private dockerhub registry

How do you get available Area Paths from Azure DevOps Services REST API?

Why do my tests in an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline run twice?


Inject env variable into build stage of image