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How do you get available Area Paths from Azure DevOps Services REST API?

I cannot find how to retrieve the Area Paths from the API. I was able to get to the Iteration Paths but not Area Paths.

I'm technically using the c# wrapper

I've tried going through

  • ProjectHttpClient.GetProject()
  • ProjectHttpClient.GetProjectPropertiesAsync();
  • WorkItemTrackingHttpClient.GetFieldAsync("System.AreaPath");
  • WorkItemTrackingHttpClient.GetWorkItemTypeFieldWithReferencesAsync();
  • I've looked in the WorkHttpClient too since I got the iterations from there.
  • I've looked through the docs and couldn't find anything. Even searching for "area" brings back no results.

azure devops project settings

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Ryan E. Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 23:12

Ryan E.

1 Answers

Here are the API calls you are looking for:


GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/classificationnodes?$depth={$depth}&api-version=5.0

This will give you root nodes and their children, after that you can query individual children, example of the child I'm getting:

id            : 32
identifier    : GUID
name          : childname
structureType : area
hasChildren   : False
path          : \parent\Area\childname
url           : https://dev.azure.com/xxx/yyy/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Are


_destinationTfs = new VssConnection(new Uri(TfsUri), new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, AccessToken));
_witClient = _destinationTfs.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

var areaPathNode = await _witClient.GetClassificationNodeAsync("PROJECT_NAME", TreeStructureGroup.Areas, depth: 1);
// areaPathNode.Children will contain all your area paths.

ps. It's extremely well hidden in the API docs

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4c74356b41 Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 23:02
