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Error in VSTS (Azure DevOps) - An operation is still in progress. Please wait and try again

I updated the Visual Studio 2017 to its latest version of 15.9.2 (as of 26/11/2018). After the update, it gives me an error, which says "An operation is still in progress, Please wait and try again" in the VSTS pane when I try to change the current branch to another branch.

I am sure that there is nothing running behind. Other than that, I have tried the same after a long time, still get the same error. Re-starting Visual Studio helps me to sort this out, but it is annoying to do it for each and every 'Push' I do.

Have anyone came across the same issue? Anyone having a solution or workaround, please?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here, I was trying to switch from 'Sprint11-Kush' to 'Sprint11'.

like image 386
Kushan Randima Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 02:12

Kushan Randima

2 Answers

Check that you are not executing your application, you cannot switch branches while running a solution in VS. Stop your debug and switch branches

like image 51
Hernan Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 09:12


Till visual studio extension is fixed execute below command to change branch

>git checkout <branch name>
like image 40
Arvind Singh Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 07:12

Arvind Singh